By. Rev. J. Pete Hyde There was something different about that particular morning. When I awoke, I could not put my finger on it, but something was different, something was missing. As I got ready to face another day, I dismissed the wonderings and went about my day, soon forgetting about...
By Pastor Dave Holland When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is — that she is a sinner…” Then he turned toward the woman and said...
By Rev. J. Pete Hyde The sunny March morning came in with a little breeze as a reminder that it was still spring, and summer had not yet turned on its oven-like heat. The bay was mirror-like as far as the eye could see as they crossed the bridge to...

Stir Crazy

By Sean Dietrich I have here an email from a woman named Ella who lives in New York City. Ella writes: “I turn 76 years old in two days... I’m trying not to lose my mind, but being trapped inside this little apartment and self-quarantining with my daughter and her roommate,...
The Christmas Spirit “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” You know the scene in the movie, The Grinch where Cindy Lou sings to Santa… “Where are you Christmas? Why can’t I find you?” I love that scene. It always gets me teary eyed. Maybe because, I have been...
By Rev. J. Pete Hyde I have made many trips heading west from Oklahoma to various places in the Rockies.  Whether heading out on Interstate 40 through the vast open plains to Amarillo and beyond or heading from Woodward, Oklahoma on the lonely, two-lane U.S. 412 down the center of...
By Victoria Ostrosky Swede, a character in one of my favorite books, Peace Like a River by Leif Enger, says this about miracles: No miracle happens without a witness. To me, that’s an intriguing statement. We experience God’s creation every day at sunrise and sunset. Some people like to call...
By Pastor Doug Stauffer In the annals of world history, no nation since ancient Israel has borne a mission as profound as the United States of America. From the crucible of revolution to establish a land of liberty, America was founded on principles echoing a divine intent. It was to...

Sean Dietrich

THE INVISIBLE MAN By Sean Dietrich I just met someone. An invisible someone. A man who—despite whatever his problems may be—isn't lost. A man who knows things. Who smokes used cigars. He sits on the steps of the Shell Station. A backpack beside him. His skin is rawhide. His beard is white. His...

Just Sayin

Presents of Time By Jim Clark The gift of being present... Showing up ... Being there… Listening instead of talking… Making eye contact…. Staying aware… Aware of the people around you… Even those who don’t seem to care The strangers, your neighbors, friends… and your family if you dare? You know really?... Sometimes all it takes is tim... And not much is...