By Rev. Gueary Clendenning
There is a prophecy in the Old Testament of the Bible concerning the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is found in Isaiah 52: 13-15 in the New Living Translation: “See, my servant will prosper; he will be highly exalted. But many were amazed when...
By Rev. Gueary Clendenning
Spring is here! The grass, dormant for several months, has turned from brown to a beautiful carpet green. Wilted plants and flowers are coming alive again, and the cold winter wind has been replaced with a warm gentle breeze. Yes, Spring is here!
Last year, in early...
By David Holland
We couldn’t sleep on Christmas Eve, so we snickered and played the guessing game. We taunted one another with our imagined gifts to open on Christmas morning. “Guess what I’m getting for Christmas,” we giggled. We made so much noise that Mom eventually came up to our...
By Gueary Clendenning
Easter Reflections
In our culture, we think of the day as starting in the morning and ending with night. In the Biblical culture, the opposite is true. Genesis chapter 1, verse 5 reads: “And the evening and the morning were the first day.” In the Jewish calendar, the...
By Lauren Cantanese
“The pastor told us, “Love is not a feeling; feelings change periodically. Love is a choice. And when you make that choice to choose love, even if you don’t feel like loving, you are choosing to love unconditionally. You recognize that we are all flawed creations, created...