By Sean Dietrich
The Third Day of Christmas. My three French hens must have gotten lost in the mail. The weather was a stolid 34 degrees. The water in the dog bowls was stone. The sun was out.
Waffle House was warm and inviting. The parking lot was mostly empty except...
By Gueary Clendenning
What was your perfect gift you received as a child during Christmas? You know, the one gift that stands out in your memory even after all these years?
I remember my perfect gift was a fully loaded red, chrome Schwinn bicycle! How many of you from my generation...
By Sean Dietrich
“It’s all gone.” That’s what the lady on the news said.
She was an older woman, being interviewed by a reporter. Giant news camera shoved in her face.
The lady sounded like she was in a uniquely frantic state, poised somewhere between panic and absolute exhaustion. It is a...
By Pastor Dave Holland
The boy felt the awful sting of poverty. He was about age 10 and lived in a small Midwest town in the 1930s. The Great Depression wreaked havoc in the nation, and drought ruined the farmers. That’s when the boy caught the news the circus was...
By Sean Dietrich
Sunrise on Lake Martin. I’m usually the first one awake. I rarely have any company in the mornings. I wake up with the chickens. Most mornings, I sit on my porch alone. Just me and the feral cats.
This morning, however, I had company.
I heard small feet walking...
By Pastor Dave Holland
As a 16-year-old new Christian in 1970, I was expected to go to the new youth group Bible study on Friday night. Our church leadership was oblivious to the real world and didn’t realize that anybody who mattered went to high school football games every Friday...
By Pastor Doug Stauffer
Did you know that the Bible says that God intended elected representatives to be “God’s ministers” (Romans 13:6)? It even explicitly states HOW they are to provide for the welfare of others: Each politician is to be “a minister of God to thee for good” (Romans...
By Sean Dietrich
Kansas City International Airport. I was standing in a long, LONG line, waiting to board my plane. We were like cattle, clogging up the chute. Nobody was happy.
Namely, because yesterday the whole world underwent a historic global internet outage, which delayed and canceled nearly 3,000 American flights....
By Sean Dietrich
A television is playing in a Birmingham bar. The talking head is shouting politics. Most folks in this joint are below thirty, and aren’t even watching TV. They’re transfixed with the opiate glows of their smartphones.
The bartender looks thirteen. He stares at the television screen and says...
By Pastor Dave Holland
If you are wondering where God is and if He cares about you, I challenge you to do this. When you go to bed tonight, turn out the lights, climb into bed and whisper this prayer:
God. If you’re there, please show Yourself to me in a...