AJ’s Feeds the Community this Thanksgiving


For the 8th year, AJ’s on the Bayou, will host a free Thanksgiving Day meal from 11 a.m. till 4 p.m. Last year, the waterfront restaurant served roughly 1,000 meals! “We open up our doors to everyone, to ensure that no one is alone or hungry for the holiday,” says Keith Waters, Director of Operations for AJ’s.

AJ’s Thanksgiving feast will feature time-honored classics such as turkey, ham, stuffing, turkey gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, cranberry relish, garden salad, dinner rolls and an assortment of pies.

“We have expanded our outreach to include our sister store in Grayton Beach; this will be their fourth year,” adds Waters. “We are open to everyone, and invite the community to join our AJ’s family on this day, to give thanks. While there is absolutely no charge, donations will be accepted from those capable of making them.”

Homemade Roasted Thanksgiving Day Turkey with all the SidesAlan Laird, owner of AJ’s says, “We want to give back to those that may not have the means to celebrate Thanksgiving. We also want to provide a gathering place for those who don’t have anyone with which to share the holiday meal or for those who simply want to celebrate with their neighbors. This is our way to thank the community that provides for us and our families, each and every day.”

No reservations are accepted, and diners will be served on a first come basis. AJ’s Grayton Beach will open their doors from 12 p.m. till 5 p.m. to serve Thanksgiving dinner, then host family Karaoke starting at 6 p.m.

All donations received from both Thanksgiving feasts will benefit Kids on the Coast Foundation. Donations will be used to assist local high school youth this upcoming holiday season. Kids on the Coast is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that supports various charities that provide assistance and offer support to local children and youth. For more information, contact the Special Events and Promotions department: Rachael Green at info@ajs-destin.com or 850-259-2057.

Learn more at: ajsgrayton.com and ajsonthebayou.com.

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