A Year-End Emerald Coast Theatre Company Celebration!


A gathering of theatre students came together recently at Emerald Coast Theatre Company (ECTC) to celebrate the close of their 11th Season, induct Jr. Thespians and commemorate the end of a fruitful season of children’s educational theatre. This event allowed ECTC’s students and parents to come together with food and fellowship for middle school level Jr. Thespians, as well as their high school aged Teen Company counterparts.

The 2024 Inductees included: Ashlynn Aigret, Campbell Carter, Alice Heller, John Kerrigan, Maggie Kerrigan and Noah Modinger. They were joined by their fellow Jr. Thespians: Lucca Bucalo, Hailey Estrada, Jordyn Fowler, Jenna King, Mackenzie Krout, Clara Petersik, and Preston Smith.

In partnership with the Seaside Neighborhood School, ECTC’s Junior Thespian Troupe (No. 89447) is a part of District 10 and a chartered member of the Educational Theatre Association’s Junior Thespians. The troupe competes in regional and state competitions and focuses on specialized training, acting techniques and implementing those techniques into performance.

2024 Jr. Thespian inductees:

Ms. Darla, Noah Modinger, Alice Heller, Maggie Kerrigan, John Kerrigan, Campbell Carter, Lucca Bulaco, Mr. Heath

2024 Jr. Thespian Jr. Company Ed Students:

ECTC 2024 Jr Thespians_Jr Company_Ed Program StudentsBack Row: Ms Darla, Preston Smith, Noah Modinger, Jenna King, Hailey Estrada, Alice Heller, Campbell Carter, Tabitha Sheldon, Mr Heath, Caden Gray, Ben Bathula, Leya Bathula, Maggie Bingham
Middle Row: Maggie Kerrigan, Mackenzie Krout, Clara Petersik, Jordyn Fowler, Mercie Taylor, Alex Koehler
Bottom Row: Zoe Fisher, John Kerrigan, Lucca Bucalo, Teddy Petersik

2024 Jr. Thespians:
Ms Darla, Preston Smith, Noah Modinger, Jenna King, Hailey Estrada, Alice Heller, Maggie Kerrigan, Campbell Carter, Mackenzie Krout, Lucca Bucalo, Mr Heath, Clara Petersik, Jordyn Fowler

2024 Best Thespian: John Kerrigan

ECTC Announces Broadway’s Lulu Picart for Musical Theatre Intensive in July

Emerald Coast Theatre Company (ECTC) is proud to announce Broadway’s Lulu Picart will serve as Musical Director for the Musical Theatre Intensive: Disney’s High School Musical for Teens July 8 – 28, 2024. This three-week camp will stretch students’ theatre skills and grow them as performers. Students work on acting, vocals and dance while receiving high quality instruction and direction from ECTC professionals and former Broadway performer Lulu Picart, an acting and creativity coach. Her work in musicals and on-stage direction includes Norwegian Cruise Lines, Walt Disney World, Orlando Shakespeare Theatre, Universal Orlando, The Choir of Man. As a performer, Lulu has appeared on Broadway (1776), off-Broadway (Disenchanted!, Lortel nominated), around the world on tour (1776, R+H Cinderella, Madagascar Live!), and at many theaters and theme parks. Lulu is also an adjunct faculty member at Pace University. Follow Lulu – @lulupicart.

Students can register for the Musical Theatre Intensive at emeraldcoasttheatre.org/summer-camps.

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