A Pastor’s Ponderings: Where is God?


David Holland_PastorBy Pastor Dave Holland

If you are wondering where God is and if He cares about you, I challenge you to do this. When you go to bed tonight, turn out the lights, climb into bed and whisper this prayer:

God. If you’re there, please show Yourself to me in a way I will understand. It’s a great big universe out there and I’m finding it hard down here. I know I have messed up, but I need you.

Then roll over and go to sleep. The answer is on its way; so, be sure to watch for it tomorrow. God can’t resist a challenge and He comes through every time.

There are several reasons we don’t see God move in our lives. First, we don’t ask. Jesus said we have not because we ask not. We’re not open to the possibility of God acting on our behalf, because we don’t feel like we deserve it or because we are too proud to admit we need Him. Ask Him to show Himself to you.

Second, we don’t see God’s hand working to help us because we’re not looking. Skeptical of a real, personal and loving God, we blithely ignore the surrounding evidence that testifies to His magnificence. Open your eyes to the pattern in the universe that reveals the mind of the Creator. Logical systems emerging everywhere and reproducing themselves in similar ways. Look at the lily with more radiance than a room full of beauty queens. If you have eyes to see, you can see God everywhere.

Many people refuse to acknowledge God’s presence because they are sick of religion. Beautiful buildings and prosperity-seeking clergy sour people’s hunger for God. Does God need golden-gilded goblets and star-studded stages? Jesus walked dusty roads and lived a simple life while calling us to know the unpretentious pleasure of a Father who loves us from the time we open our eyes in the morning. Repeat after me, “Lord, I believe in You.”

Finally, we rarely hear from God because we don’t make room for Him. God shows up where people want Him. He is a Gentleman who goes wherever people invite Him. Is there a place for God in your soul? Will you invite Him in? Jesus came to show what God is like and I think He desires to live in your heart.

King David compared our heart to an ancient castle with great gates. He wrote, “Lift up your heads, o you gates! And be lifted up you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in.” (Psalm 24:7, NKJV) Will you open the gates of your heart and invite Him in?
Mutter a prayer to God. Let Him in. He’s listening. He wants to know you. Breathe in the Spirit of Jesus and exhale the prayer of your heart. God is near. He is but a whisper away.

Dave Holland pastored churches for thirty-eight years before retiring in Destin, Florida. He recently released his new devotional-Bible study based on the Gospel of Luke titled “Prodigal Jesus, Journey Back to the Father” You can get a copy of this book from his website, DaveHolland.org, or at Amazon.com. Pastor Dave is available to preach and teach at churches and conferences. Contact him at DavidvHolland54@gmail.com.

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