Wrapping Up the Year


By Donna Montalvo, A2Z

2021 has come to a close and we here at A2Z Specialty Advertising would like to look back at the winners of the Gabby Bruce You Make A Difference award.

We were provided with a wide variety of nominations for this award through the Cumulus stations that, quite frankly, made it hard to choose the winner each month. Narrowing it down was not easy. With “feel good” stories on how different businesses made an impact in our community, we chose eight of 12 award winners in 2021. They are: Twisted Grape Wine Bar and Café, Simple HR, Eglin Federal Credit Union, White Wilson Medical Center, Bitwizards, Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office, Boat House Oyster Bar and Fort Walton Beach Medical Center.

We have four more awards to give out in 2022.

Each winner will receive an award, commercials over three stations at Cumulus Radio for one month, a 10-minute radio interview with Diamond Dan on NewsTalk Radio, an article in Destin Life, and a $300 promotional product credit through Gabby’s business, A2Z Specialty Advertising.

If you know a business that is deserving of this award, please email gabby@a2zdestin.com. We are looking for businesses that give back to the community. The organizations can be big or small who make an impact by their generosity and personifies Gabby’s giving back to our community.

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