White Sands Gala May 18


May 18 | Event Sponsorship

We are honored to celebrate the paradise we call home while giving back to local charities, the Jackson Fund and Bundle of Hope Adoption & Family Services. Through the White Sands Gala, we hope to unite our community in a summer kick-off, while making a meaningful impact. With the support of Carrot Top Designs, who has generously partnered to host the event in its beautiful showroom as well as many generous friends such as you, we feel we can ignite the spirit of summer and spread benevolence far beyond this inaugural event.

We will be celebrating with our friends and neighbors at The White Sands Gala on Saturday, May 18, 2024. Sponsorship packages offer VIP entry, VIP parking, early access to the Popup Selfie stations, just for fun Poker game and an open bar. Please consider supporting us as one of the Gala Sponsorship Partners, and save the date for this exciting event.
With Gratitude,

Jennifer Board-Board President White Sands Gala, Beverly McManus-Sponsorship Chair and Deb Johnson-Treasurer. For more information, visit whitesandsgala.com, call (615) 293-5812 or email info@whitesandsgala.com.

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