Visioning Through a Crisis


By Rachel Russell

With the world being on a literal shut down the last few days, many of us have had to come to a place of PAUSE. In this PAUSE, we can fall into the trap of worry and fear and become immobilized. But for those of us whose passion is visioning, there is an excitement that arises, because the PAUSE is allowing all of us to reposition ourselves for greatness.

My name is Rachel Russell and I am an entrepreneur and Vision Coach, because I love to help people on their path to success. My specialty is that I take things from the vision realm, strategize and bring it to a place of execution. Let me tell you why I’m excited for this season.

The Japanese word for crisis is (危機 = kiki) and it means opportunity. I sense that this time of PAUSE has been set because there are things that we have been designed to do that many of us have been putting on the back shelf, because we were caught up with our everyday lives. Some of you have bestselling books that need to be written. Others need to finish some vital schooling. There are some of you that have million-dollar business ideas but because you have been so focused on your jobs, years have passed by and the ideas are just sitting in the back of your mind waiting to be released.

Some of you haven’t spent much time with your children or your spouse, and now you are getting caught up with some quality family time. And then there are some that need to concentrate on your health.

Whether this PAUSE is meant for a season of creativity, completion, bonding or a restoration, this PAUSE was designed to catapult you to a new place of success.

Taking time to vision in this season of PAUSE will be a beneficial activity. Ask yourself, when this is over, and believe me it’s going to end at some time, where do I want to be? I mean “Netflixing and chilling” was cool for the first week, but what if this lasts for six months?
Are you prepared to “Netflix and chill” or do you want to look back and say thank you for this time of PAUSE?

This crisis hit my country, Trinidad and Tobago, on Monday, March 16, 2020, and all schools had to shut down. I owned a prestige day care and preschool. No school means no income for me. By March 17, I strategized with my team and was able to create three additional businesses. This process was fairly smooth, because these businesses were part of my larger vision from before and I already had the foundation in place. Today is March 24, and we have already launched two of the business initiatives, with the third one coming soon.

How was I able to turn a negative situation around? I asked myself what I was putting off during my busy season and how I can execute it now so that it is beneficial for me, my family and, of course, the wider community.

Take a step back! Look at the bigger picture! Is there an opportunity waiting for you at this time?

Encouragement during this season is, don’t fall into the trap of worry and fear. There is much that can be done at this time to further your path to success. Be safe and remember, this is your time to step into greatness!

Local Rachel Russell is the founder of Full Quiver Services Ltd., services that support families. She is the Visionary on the Board of Directors and spearheads the strategic direction of the company. Rachel has been in the field of small and medium business management from age 18 and has successfully pioneered Full Quiver Services Ltd. for the last 12 years. She has a passion for development, excellence and service, and it is her mission to develop future leaders that people can trust, emulate and follow. She has also launched two catering companies and a holding company, while a proud member of the John Maxwell Team. Her consulting business is designed to help turn big ideas into reality.

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