‘Twas a Few Weeks Before Christmas – in the Real Estate Market


Gail PeltoBy Gail Pelto, Realtor
(a twist on ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas by Clement Clarke Moore)

‘Twas a few weeks before Christmas along the Emerald Coast,
Home Buyers and Sellers were busy making toasts.
Offers have been made, negotiated by all,
Everyone is happy, no closing was stalled!

A crazy year in real estate…now interest rates on the rise,
BUT, Buyers, don’t worry,
You can refinance with their demise!
Sellers, too, DON’T WAIT!
Selling prices are good and Buyers exist!
If you want to sell, NOW is the time to list!

Now Inspector! Now Appraiser!
Now Lender! Title Agent too!
On Broker! On Realtor!
We’ll all be working hard for YOU!
If it’s your time to invest, buy or sell,
Speak with a good realtor, someone who’ll treat you really well!
In fact, if you’re really contemplating a sale,
Remember you can call me, just ask for Gail!
And for reading my column, thank you ALL for a great year!
Hope I’ve helped in some way, dispell some of your fears.
Home buying and selling has a lot of pieces and parts,
Reading Destin Life info is definitely a good start!

And now 2023 is nearly in sight!
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all,
And to all a good night!

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