Tis the Season to be a Blessing!


Tis the Season to be a Blessing!

By Wendy C. Whitney

It’s that time of year when we suddenly begin to think of being a blessing to others.  We’ve already had a time of giving thanks for all that we have personally been blessed with, particularly those closest to us, our families and inner circles of friends.  We’ve given thanks for blessings we know didn’t originate with our good charm or graces but came to us as blessings from heaven.  With eyes closed, we sat at our dinner tables and gave thanks to God for all that He has blessed us with.  Now, with Christmas everywhere we look, we can’t help but think of children and gifts we want to give them.

We find it hard to walk past volunteers dressed like Santa, standing beside a kettle, ringing a bell that tugs at our hearts as we’re walking into a supermarket. That bell says to us ‘give something of yourself to someone else.’  Like those bell ringers, churches encourage their congregants at this time of year to give gifts of love and grace to people they’ve never met and faces they’ve never seen and it all seems perfectly normal during this Season of Being a Blessing.  There are giant trees inside most churches during Christmas, that are specifically there for blessing children. Destiny Worship Center, for one, participates every year in the “Angel Tree” program where each ‘ornament’ is an angel with a child’s name on it. Some are children of our military families, some from those who have single moms struggling to provide simple necessities for their children. Members of the church take an ‘angel’ off the tree, with a child’s name and a note from that child of what they really want for Christmas.  When you hear the bells ringing and see that stores are already filled with Christmas decorations the day after Halloween, think beyond you and yours. Remember that the child whose birth we celebrate at Christmas said, “Whatever you do for the least of those among you, you have done it unto Me.”  While you enjoy the beauty and blessings of the Christmas season, remember too, this is the Season to BE a Blessing!  To find out more about how to be a blessing to these children and their families, call DWC or visit the website at Destinyworshipcenter.com and have yourself a very Merry Christmas!

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