The World’s Greatest General!


Rocket Fuel Coach Bill MasonBy Bill Mason, Rocket Fuel Coach

Mark Twain once told a story about a man searching for the world’s greatest general. The man searched his whole life until one day he died and met St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. The man told St. Peter he was looking for the world’s greatest general. Fortunately, St. Peter said he could help.

He led the man to another part of heaven and introduced him as the world’s greatest general. The man who had been searching replied, “That’s not the world’s greatest general. That man was a cobbler on Main Street in my hometown!” St. Peter responded, “But had he been a general, he would have been the greatest general ever.”

Just as Mark Twain rightly illustrated in the “World’s Greatest General,” your true strength lies within you, often nestled deep beneath layers of self-doubt and perceived limitations.

Just like the General who discovered his greatest strength in an unexpected place, we, too, should learn to recognize our unique abilities and not be swayed by society’s definition of success or power.

Your strengths, whether in communication, problem-solving, creativity or leadership, are your stepping stones to success. They are the unique blend of talents, knowledge and skills that sets you apart from the rest of the world and bring your unique contribution. By focusing on these, you refine your capabilities and enhance your performance.

In contrast, focusing solely on improving your weaknesses often leads to frustration and self-doubt as you try to shine in areas that might not naturally resonate with your innate abilities.

Emphasizing your strengths doesn’t mean ignoring your weaknesses! Instead, it means leveraging what you’re inherently good at to counterbalance those areas of improvement. Doing so creates a more balanced approach to personal and professional development, one that values and promotes your unique abilities. Remember, it is the eagle who understands its strength lies in soaring high, not in trying to swim better.

Mark Twain’s wisdom teaches us a valuable lesson: That focusing on our strengths, rather than being consumed by our weaknesses, can lead to unparalleled success.

Be the general of your own life:
– Identify your strengths.
– Nurture them.
– Use them to meet challenges head-on. And watch as you transform into the best version of yourself.
– Strive not to be a person of success, but rather a person of value, adding your unique imprint on the world.


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