Thank You, Ryan


By Matthew Vanderford,Claimology

I was just on the phone with an amazing local contractor, Ryan Simas. Ryan’s one of those people that when you’re with them, you feel fortunate to have come to know who they are as a person.

I first met Ryan after I saw a Remodeling and Maintenance van pass by called Beachside Maintenance. This was a few years back when I was out marketing. I called the number and the owner picked up the phone—it was Ryan. We spoke for a while, I introduced myself and he, in turn, invited me to his then networking group. So, Ryan and I met, made more conversation and exchanged information. And it was through those initial conversations that seeds were planted which would later sprout and evolve into what I now consider one of the most important and beneficial relationships I have. And not just in business, but on a personal level, too, because isn’t that what networking is really all about? It’s when you really get to know people and build those valued relationships that transcend business and dive into the depths of real interpersonal stuff. Because it’s there, in those depths that those who are like minded will connect and those who aren’t on the same frequency won’t. Ryan’s frequency is all about helping others. Or at least to me it is. And I’m sure I’m not the only person who would say the same about Ryan.

However, Ryan and I didn’t really get to know each other until much later on. It wasn’t until Keller Williams Realtor Gail Pelto sent out a request through her local Master Networks Group that she was in need of very reliable talent for work that needed to be addressed on a real estate project. She was introduced to Ryan and, subsequently, she invited Ryan to Master Networks where Ryan and I got reacquainted. It has been through the weekly connections of Master Networks which are centered around business growth through personal evolution (I call it business therapy), where the relationships of like-minded people have taken root and sprouted into valued relationships bearing real fruit.
As those trusted relationships flourish, those we serve benefit the most. As a public adjuster who’s been in the insurance industry for more than 10 years, I can say what a privilege it is to know that people like Ryan exist and that those who have suffered damage to their properties can be taken care of for insurance restoration work by a person who values quality and service. His commitment to serving with integrity shines. His continual commitment to personal growth has pushed him to excel in business and benefit from those ethics, because referrals just don’t happen by accident.

I am very grateful for relationships like this. It’s these types of relationships that others like myself also get to benefit from, too. For as we all work to grow higher and higher as individuals, those we meet along the way are marked by that presence, that shine, that desire for excellence. Thank you, Ryan, for being you. For showing up daily, even when things get tough. But showing up nonetheless. Showing up for those you help along the way. We see you – thank you.

Here’s to seeing you shine even brighter! “The Spirit of Kindness will always endure as long as thanks escape the lips of men.” – Santa.

May the Spirit of the Light that shines bright like the noonday sun bless us all with warmth and sight.

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