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Tag: mental health

Book Review: Brain Energy by Dr. Chris Palmer

Reviewed By Michael McManus, LCSW Dr. Chris Palmer’s “Brain Energy” is a groundbreaking exploration of the intricate relationship between brain health and energy metabolism, presenting...

The Only Person You Can Change Is You

By Stephenie Craig, Journey Bravely Do you ever find yourself exhausted, irritated and resentful when a person in your life won’t start or stop certain behavior?...

Special Event to Help Finance Facility for Adults with Autism

By Kenneth Books The Ground Up Project, an organization designed to find homes for adults who have autism, plans a unique event in February to...

Instead of Leaning Out, Lean In

By Stephenie Craig, Journey Bravely Do you ever find yourself leaning out of something you fear? Maybe you fear conflict so you avoid a hard...

Complete Ketamine Solutions of Destin: A Lifeline for Healing

By Christopher Manson Almost two years ago, childhood friends Diane Cooke and Melanie Yost brought Be Well Solutions and Complete Ketamine Solutions to the Destin...

You Can’t Know Until You Know

By Stephenie Craig Our oldest son walked away from us and into his dorm just before we headed out of town after the first college...

Growing Through Disruption

By Stephenie Craig After three years of talking about moving to Florida, we listed our house thinking it might sell in six months to a...

Change is Me, Change is We

By Stephenie Craig “We are limiting screen time because future research is going to show negative impacts of screens and social media on developing brains.”...

Dealing With Difficult People

By Stephenie Craig When did you last interact with a difficult person? Maybe the difficult person has anger problems, behaves with superiority, doesn’t treat others...

New Year, New You?

By Stephenie Craig The holidays are over and New Year messages are here. Change yourself. Change your life. Lose weight. Earn more money. Look younger....