Reflection and Assessment: A Look Back to Take a Leap Forward


Rocket Fuel Coach Bill MasonBy Bill Mason

In the fast-paced world of business, where constant innovation and adaptation are essential, the power of reflection often goes unnoticed. Although reflection is often neglected as we move toward the future, it plays a significant role in driving transformation. Bill Gates once stated “Most people overestimate what they can achieve in a year and underestimate what they can achieve in 10 years,” highlighting the need to evaluate past successes, track progress and set ambitious goals and dreams for the future.

Reflection allows individuals and organizations to learn from the past, make informed decisions and create strategies for success. It provides an opportunity to evaluate past experiences, both positive and negative and extract valuable insights for growth. By looking back and understanding the lessons learned, businesses can identify patterns, refine strategies, and ultimately empower transformation.

One aspect of reflection that holds immense value is the role of mentors or coaches. These seasoned professionals can serve as guides, helping individuals brainstorm their past achievements to gain a deeper understanding of their journey. Reflecting on past accomplishments can reveal hidden strengths, untapped potential, and provide a foundation for future growth. A mentor or coach can help navigate this process, providing guidance, support, and an objective perspective.

Regularly taking time to reflect can lead to a greater return on investment through opportunities to celebrate. When engrossed in daily work, it’s easy to become fatigued and believe falsehoods such as “I’m not making any progress” or “The company is not improving.” However, reflecting on past accomplishments allows you to celebrate the fruits of your labor. This celebration can bring new energy to the process of the daily grind! Celebration is akin to growth marks on the doorpost of a child’s room. They enable you to see the progress, which is happening every day but may be difficult to notice without consistent reflection.

In the past quarter, I was struggling with my coaching business, as I felt uncertain about my goals and progress despite putting in consistent effort for the last two years. During a session with my coach, we reviewed the new client’s revenues from the last four months and I realized that I had generated more than $60K in new revenue from new clients for the next year. My wife and I celebrated by having a nice dinner at one of our favorite celebration restaurants on the harbor in Destin. The act of both realizing accomplishments and celebrating them helped to increase my confidence and establish a clear path for future success. When paired with the guidance of a mentor or coach, reflecting on these achievements can spark significant transformations.

As a U.S. Army Blackhawk pilot, my team and I conducted after-action reviews after every flight. These reviews involved discussing our successes, as well as any issues or challenges that arose during the mission. Critically, we were able to openly address failures in order to identify ways to improve both as individuals and as a team. By analyzing our shortcomings, we could take chances and establish fresh procedures that enhanced our team’s efficiency and fulfillment of goals. These occurrences can provide valuable lessons and encourage personal and professional growth. By scrutinizing such incidents and gaining insights from them, individuals can enhance their capacity to adjust and surmount challenges, resulting in increased resilience and effectiveness as leaders.

Due to the Covid crisis, companies have had to make significant changes from their usual practices in the past few years. As we start returning to normal times, the risk of reverting to old practices and becoming complacent is high. In these times, it’s essential for leaders to engage in regular reflection to identify areas for improvement and make proactive adjustments.

Organizational development can benefit from the practice of reflection. By cultivating a culture of self-assessment and reflection, businesses can encourage constant improvement and innovation. Reviewing past strategies, both successful and unsuccessful, allows companies to adjust, improve and remain competitive.

I encourage you to take 30-60 minutes sometime this week to reflect on both your personal and professional life. Review the past year and acknowledge your accomplishments, errors and growth. Think about your aspirations for the future and establish achievable objectives for the upcoming year, categorized as minimum, target, and stretch goals. By doing this, it will boost your confidence and ambition as you manage your daily obligations.

To reach new levels of success, consider getting a friend, mentor, or coach who can help you unlock your full potential and challenge you in ways others can’t. Reflection is a valuable tool for both personal and professional growth and can drive positive changes in the business. Let’s embrace this as we navigate the constantly evolving business landscape.

If you work with Bill as a coach, you can expect to develop a clear vision for your team, create plans to achieve success, and become a high-performing team that exceeds expectations. If you want to learn more, call (850) 855-3430 or email

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