Real Estate Agents Are Useless


Paul DomenecheBy Paul Domeneche

Eight years ago, I entered the real estate industry, not for the “easy money” or flexible schedule—those are huge misconceptions. Real estate is hard work when done right. My motivation came from witnessing a student at the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu school where I teach being taken advantage of by an unscrupulous agent looking for a quick buck and an easy lifestyle.

This young airman had recently arrived in town and had been training at Capitao Jiu Jitsu for about eight months when he asked if anyone knew of an agent to help him find a home. I happened to know one, but my knowledge was limited to the fact that they had a real estate license. I didn’t realize there were varying levels of professionalism within the field. As the search progressed, the student seemed content with the process and the purchase until he suddenly disappeared.

After a few months without contact, I called to check in. He explained that he had bought a house slightly out of his financial comfort zone and had to use his tuition money to cover the mortgage until he could find roommates.

Real estate agent with a couple in the background.I confronted the agent, asking how this could happen. The response was, “He qualified for that amount, wanted the house, so I made the offer and it was sold to him.”

I was stunned. Just because someone qualifies for a higher amount doesn’t mean it’s in their best interest. Why didn’t the agent start with a lower price range and help him understand the importance of budgeting? Professionals in any field should never take a “good luck” approach. That day, I decided to get my real estate license to ensure no one in my circle would be misled or underserved.

I didn’t quit my job or think about the financial gains when I pursued my license. It was about mastering another skill, much like Jiu Jitsu, and adding to my legacy. What started as a supplementary tool in my life has now become a journey of inspiring people nationwide. I help, serve and guide them through the process with systems and strategies to achieve the American Dream of homeownership and to build their legacy estates. And it is now my full-time career and mission to help others become better agents to raise the standard of and become a valuable real estate agent.

While that particular agent was useless, our industry is filled with great professionals—you just need to ask the right questions:

1. What programs are available to help me purchase a home as a first-time buyer or as someone looking to buy again?
2. Can you show me a net sheet or a cost sheet for the purchase price of the home?
3. What market indicators should I consider to determine if it’s a good time to buy or sell?
4. Do you offer a service commitment that allows me to be released from our agreement unconditionally if you fail to meet the standards and values you present today?
5. What does the NAR settlement mean, and how does it benefit me?

These questions will help you identify serious professionals and avoid those just looking for quick money. This is a serious business, and it takes a dedicated agent to ensure you get the best results. Don’t settle for just any friend to be your agent—choose a professional, and if they happen to be a friend, it’s a win-win.

For answers to these questions and more information on real estate, feel free to call me, Paul Domenech, AKA Pauly, at 850-543-1418. Visit for more information or to find out where I am leading visit

Real estate is simple, but it’s not easy. My team and I do the HOMEwork to get the best results.

If you are interested in becoming a real estate agent or looking to level up your business and skills in the industry let’s get you on the path to creating your legacy.

“Be kind, remain savage and change lives.” — Pauly

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