Poetry by Laurie Hilton Rowland


My Mother Taught Me

My mother taught me sunshine,

And laughter as a way.

She showed to me the beauty,

In a dark and cloudy day.

My mother taught me courage,

She’d learned throughout the years,

And how to smile brightly,

Amidst the falling tears.

My mother taught me Jesus,

And how to look to Him.

Now in troubled waters,

I’m learning how to swim.

Worry Not

Worry not, my little one, upon me cast all care.

Let not one thing trouble you. Your burdens I will bear.

Tenderly I call to you, I touch your fretted brow.

I can work all things for good, just let me show you how.

Learn to trust in me alone. With me you cannot fail.

Step by step I help you up the rough and rugged trail.

Worry not, my little one. Let me see you smile.

Realize that I AM God, and rest in me a while.

©L.H. Rowland 1985

As a young teen the aptitude and passion for writing surfaced in my heart but, major detours in life kept me from pursuing the talent. One of the detours led me to writing inspirational poetry and devotionals that I’ve shared with anyone that I thought would be lifted up by them. Fast forward to February of 2016 and the fulfillment of one of my childhood dreams…to live by the beach and pursue my writing! It did not take long before Walton County and the 30a area felt like home. We settled into a new church and an awesome community. Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.” NKJV

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