Pastor’s Ponderings: Go Fish


By Retired Pastor Dave Holland

When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Luke 5:1-11

Ever had a hard day at work and all you can think of is getting home? You finally walk through the door of your house and all you can think about is getting into something comfortable, sitting in your favorite chair and relaxing. Jesus calls at such a time as this.
Luke invites us to see how Christ speaks to people. He calls us in our vulnerable moments; He beckons us when it is not convenient. His love often demands sacrifice. Peter and the boys were tired and probably frustrated at their failure to catch fish. They were probably deep inside their heads when the Rabbi asked to use their boat. They were unprepared for a Carpenter/Rabbi to tell them to fish where they had just failed.

The Lord is teaching multitudes of people who crowd in close to hear him. He suddenly conscripts Peter and his boat to use as a makeshift pulpit. You never know when Jesus is going to get into your boat.

Peter and the boys had just come back from a long night of frustrating, fruitless fishing. They had to be thinking about how they wouldn’t make any money and probably wouldn’t eat. Amid their weariness, Jesus says, “let’s go fish!”

Jesus doesn’t ask Peter whether he feels like casting nets for fish. So, Peter explains to Jesus that they have been fishing all night and hadn’t caught a thing, “No fish biting today Jesus,” he seems to say.

Isn’t that the way we respond when the Lord calls us? “Yes Lord, but I had a long day,” or “You don’t understand how busy I’ve been Lord.” Too often when Jesus comes to get into the boat of our life, we have excuses for Him. Are we ready to be obedient no matter how we feel?

It took about two seconds for Peter to come out with his next response though, “BUT, if you say so, we’ll try again.” I’m sure there Peter wanted to know how they were possibly going to catch fish in the middle of the day. Yet, he chooses to obey. Peter and the fishermen soon saw the miracle of a huge catch. Doing what God asks doesn’t always make sense, and it’s not always logical, it takes trust and faith. These guys put their nets in the boat; they go where Jesus instructs and cast their nets in the water – again. Their nets come up bursting with fish!

Obedience requires determination. You must choose to listen to Jesus. Many priorities will tug for your attention, but you must decide to focus on Jesus. Trust that following His direction will be the most effective, important, and wisest decision you can make. The disciples learned that it wasn’t about their logic, nets, or ability to fish – it was all about Jesus. Will you determine to listen to Jesus and cast your nets again?

I let Jesus get in my boat a long time ago. He shows himself to be a steady companion and faithful friend. He has called me to fish in places I never dreamed I would go. It starts with a simple call, and if you’re not too distracted today, you will hear Him knocking – Jesus speaks to those who are listening. Let him reveal Himself to you, listen for His call to fish for Him – let the miracle begin!

Rev. David Holland pastored for forty years before retiring with his wife Jonie here in Destin. His life mission is to teach Christ clearly through his life and the Word of God. Originally from Southern California Pastor Dave has ministered in Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Nebraska and Colorado before settling here on the Emerald Coast.

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