Not Sitting on the Sidelines of Life


travel with jodell haverfieldBy JoDell Haverfield, Have Travel Memories

A new year often arrives hand-n-hand with a renewed sense of optimism: a revitalized attitude and motivation that anything is possible when looking at things through a fresh lens. As we move forward into new opportunities, there’s still much to renumerate in our constantly changing world. Keeping up can feel overwhelming! Planning travel today is much more difficult than it has ever been. Whether it’s navigating Covid protocols or travel insurance, just knowing where you want to go is only the beginning. While much has changed in the world of travel, using a travel advisor will help you navigate through the challenges and opportunities on the horizon. Whether it’s a family vacation, a trip to celebrate a special anniversary or an all-woman group.

Though I officially began my career as a travel agent in the mid-nineties, I didn’t open the doors to my own agency, Have Travel, until 1999. In early 2007, my husband Dave retired. After some persuasion, he agreed to join me in the travel industry, and we relocated to Florida to escape the Montana cold and be closer to cruise ports. A year later, our oldest son and his wife came for a visit and decided to stay. They joined Have Travel and we officially became a family business adding Memories Vacations to our name. Now 15 years, several hurricanes, an oil spill, three presidential elections and a worldwide pandemic later, we are still here and going strong. In fact, we’ve added several travel agents to our team through the years with two more who will begin in 2022.

Travel has been a part of my life since I was a child. My parents traveled extensively and I was forced to tag along, I have loved it ever since. The impact travel has on our customers has been a true highlight for me as well. Seeing travelers return home from a new adventure with a fresh look on life and our amazing planet is very satisfying. I’ve enjoyed being in the tourism industry very much and it has given me more opportunities and satisfaction than I can recount. Sometimes I feel like a dream maker as I have made a few travel dreams come true through the years. Once I fulfilled a dying man’s dream of taking family on an Alaska cruise.

Another customer’s trip I will never forget was for a retired couple whose dream was to do an extensive tour through Australia. After their return, they invited me to come to their home to see their photos and home movies. They were truly delighted with their experience. Less than a month later I got a call from the husband as he informed me his wife had suddenly passed away. He thanked me profusely for helping them plan what turned out to be their last trip together. He said those memories would mean so much to him. This is the reason I wanted to add Memories to my agency name. I realized it’s the memories we make with our loved ones that bring us the greatest joy and last forever. Those pictures, stories, memorabilia and home movies are handed down for generations.
It’s not surprising to hear that, for many, the pandemic was a wake-up call. The way we view ourselves and our families has undoubtedly changed along with the ever-changing world around us. Upon settling on the decision to travel whether you’re visiting the US, UK, Alaska, Africa, or the Galapagos Islands, there is so much to explore in the world. You should be able to succinctly answer what you hope to gain and why. Once goals are determined, you can plan your travel in confidence with the aid of an experienced travel advisor.

When Covid 19 hit the world, the technology, and relationships our business already had in place helped us navigate the unknown as seamlessly as possible. Our company has since continued to invest more time into learning how to move forward while meeting our changing customer needs. We advise our clients who are traveling to be flexible and to make sure they have adequate travel insurance. No matter how much time we have been in the travel industry, we always admit when we may not have all the answers, or we aren’t sure of the outcome. We are never too proud to ask for input and advice from our travel partners to insure the best possible memories for our clients. I am a lifetime learner of travel.

Maybe it’s the thrill of discovering stores filled with more treasures than you can imagine as you step out on a grand adventure in an RV across America. Or perhaps you can board a luxury river cruise from New Orleans to Memphis where you will enjoy customized excursions from iconic ports like Natchez and Vicksburg where you will gain an insider’s perspective of classic antebellum homes, renowned plantations, southern cuisine and civil war battlefields. In the evening, relax and enjoy the rolling Mississippi River views from the comfort of your balcony.

For most of us, after almost two years of strange and stressful world events, we have learned not to take for granted our families and the time we spend together making memories. Our health and safety are paramount with ever changing guidelines and protocols. All aspects of the travel industry have been prepared for you from Cruising to visiting Disney, Vegas, Europe and the rest of the world. There are so many more advantages to not sitting on the sidelines of life!

Cheers to ringing in a new year of travel and best wishes as you take on the world in 2022!


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