New Spring offerings from Clint Eagar Design


If you haven’t stopped in to Clint Eagar and Effie Niu’s studio in Uptown Grayton you are missing a real treat. His latest art features three in a series called, “Free at Last”, “Harbor View”, and “Sea Quest”, all inspired by his award-winning painting “Floating”.

“I really liked the way it (Floating) came to life with color, light and perspective”, Clint explains. “I also had many clients mention their interest in other boats. Sailboats exactly. So I was inspired to do a collection of dramatic scenes, and styles of sailboats in various views. These are high-energy pieces, with ocean currents and the wind itself. Even the calm “Harbor View” has its own energy. A soft breeze across the harbor and a view of the hills in the distance looking over the boats docked in the harbor. For each piece I wanted to have it’s own subtle paint technique, with each being a little different than the next. I was inspired by older wooden boats from around the globe. Small boat in a sunset, to a calm cruise along the coast to a dramatic realistic setting of “Seaquest” out into the dark ocean with the sun at the back of its sails, the collection is a well-rounded group of the sailing experience,” He said. Stop in for a chat with Effie and Clint and see for yourself this exciting new collection. 57B Uptown Grayton. Call (224) 715-2252

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