Natural Health with Doctor Leesa


Focus and Attention

Dr Leesa Haire
Dr Leesa Haire

Squirrel!!!  It’s funny in a cartoon but if you suffer from lack of focus or attention deficient, it can be a real source of worry and frustration.  To help your family improve their focus and attention for the new school year, here are some tips you will want to know.  

First, take a hard look at the foods you and your family eat.  Diet is one of the most researched causes of attention deficiencies.  Allergies to one or more foods, (usually milk, cane sugar, chocolate, American cheese, additives or wheat) are the most frequent causes, but not the only ones.   Sugar negatively impacts attention span, mood, short-term memory, and even the ability to learn. It actually changes brain wave patterns, making it hard to think clearly.

Other causes of attention deficit can be less obvious but important to investigate if a change of diet does not resolve the issue.  Explore these possibilities before running to the drug store.

Toxic metal accumulation, (usually lead, mercury, copper, or aluminum), may cause attention issues.  Metals are found in baby formula; baked goods and processed foods; deodorants; canned food, cigarette smoke, vehicle emissions and many more places.

Also, cervical segmental dysfunction (pressure or irritation in the neck or the junction of the neck and skull). A few chiropractic adjustments, (spinal manipulations), will usually be enough to correct this issue.

Micronutrient deficiencies, such as zinc, can have deleterious effects on both short and long term memory. White spots on the nails could be a sign of zinc deficiency.

For help and support there are many natural supplements that improve focus.  Here are just a few:

Fish Oil Rich in DHA– Increased red blood cell level of DHA in children is associated with improved reading, spelling, the ability to divide attention, and lower parent ratings of oppositional behavior, hyperactivity, restlessness, and overall ADHD symptoms.

Bacopa (Bacopa monnieri) is a highly esteemed Ayurvedic herb that’s been used for thousands of years as a brain tonic to enhance concentration and memory.

Gotu kola (Centella asiatica) is recommended to support brain functions such as mental clarity and a healthy memory, as well as to maintain a balanced mood. Centella asiatica is also a favorite food of elephants and, as we all know, elephants never forget!

Essential oils are a powerful tool to enhance focus and balance mood.  Best yet, they can be applied to the skin or inhaled for results.  Frankincense has been used for centuries to improve clarity of thought. And both Rosemary and Peppermint help stimulate and sharpen mental focus.

For an assessment of how these factors may be impacting your focus and attention or your children, call today to make an appointment with Doctor Leesa.  A simple biofeedback scan with Doctor Leesa can give you the answers you are looking for.   

Leesa Haire is a licensed Biofeedback Specialist/Registered Pharmacist — Biofeedback Health Scans  — 495 Grand Blvd, Regus Offices Miramar Beach, FL or 850-733-7017

“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” ~3 John 1:2


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