Miss Destin 2024 April 27th


Miss Destin 2023Come join the fun, April 27, for the 76th Annual Miss Destin Pageant! Destin’s pageant is unique in that it is not a beauty contest; the young lady (high school age) who receives the title of Miss Destin is judged on her grade point average, school and community involvement, personality and communication skills. She serves as a public figure throughout the year, representing Destin at many functions. One of her primary functions is to represent the Destin Fishing Rodeo at weigh-ins every day during the month of October.

Destin resident girls vie for the title of Miss Destin, which among other things provides at least a $2,000 academic scholarship. Additional scholarship moneys are awarded to runners-up. Twelve girls are participating this year.

Preceding the actual pageant, contestants will have individual interviews with the pageant judges. This year’s Miss Destin Pageant will once again be hosted by Christian Garman, Television Personality and Professor, Department of Communication, University of West Florida.

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