By Rita L. Sherwood
This Birmingham girl who’s now a local knows how to spot a good deal on clothes when she sees one. Inspired by her mother who has an amazing fashion sense, but also likes a good bargain, Michelle Moore grew up interested in putting different outfits together, at a very good price. “I would watch my mom and almost envied how she could put complete outfits together so easily,” says Michelle. “This really ignited my passion for all things fashion, and when I realized that I didn’t love dental school, and the opportunity arose for me to own my own business, it just all fell into place.” That’s thanks in part to her entrepreneurial dad of course, who found the perfect location off of Highway 98, and the rest was history!
Michelle says she is trying to break the stigma of a regular consignment store by carrying current, up to date fashionable items and brands that you would see in a magazine. Add to this, a bright, open, airy space, and a handpicked line of new clothing and accessories also for purchase, and you’ve got a different concept – a resale shop and a boutique combined.
As of right now, the commission split is 50/50 for any fall and winter merchandise brought in until the end of the year, but usually, it’s 60/40.
Business is booming for only being open six months, so what’s this 26 year old’s secret to success? She says, “The key is to build relationships with our customers, to have them not only consign with us, but also to shop with us. I really enjoy meeting locals and visitors alike, bonding with them, and offering them a different shopping experience, in a much nicer setting.” She goes on to say, “I look forward to seeing my repeat customers and having them refer us to their families and friends.”
Michelle also supports the local non-profit organization Be Generous, which assists women struggling to overcome drug addiction, domestic abuse, human trafficking, homelessness, and other life dominating circumstances. She and customers donate clothing and accessories to these women when consignment items don’t sell after 90 days, or if the consignment items aren’t accepted.
When asked what her motto would be, Michelle says it’s a Bible verse: “She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future,” Proverbs 31:25.
And what does the future hold? Michelle says she is expanding Currents Resale & Boutique to include many local handmade items from different vendors.
When she’s not working, Michelle loves to go to the beach on Sundays and spend time with her fur baby, Oliver, a golden doodle. You might even find him holding court at Currents sometime, as he’s very social and loves everyone. Michelle laughs and says, “I work hard so my dog can have a better life.”
Be sure to check out Currents Resale & Boutique at 4507 Furling Lane in Destin, Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
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