Lotus Life with Lauren Catanese – Love


The Christmas Spirit

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” You know the scene in the movie, The Grinch where Cindy Lou sings to Santa… “Where are you Christmas? Why can’t I find you?” I love that scene. It always gets me teary eyed. Maybe because, I have been there before; it’s Christmas time, the silver bells are ringing, Christmas trees light up every house and the twinkling lights give a new kind of glow, families come together with friends and loved ones. I have been in those moments and yet still felt far from the Christmas spirit. I didn’t know where it was or how to find it. All I knew is that I wanted to experience it.

I remember being a child and being completely wrapped up in the Christmas Spirit. I remember what it felt like. It would consume my soul with joy and unbounded peace and happiness. All I could do was dance and sing and laugh, as the feeling of Christmas would fill every part of me.

To me, the Christmas Spirit is of course the only emotion that truly exists in this world. The only feeling that gives all the others meaning. Love is the warm, peaceful, cozy place that makes you grin from ear to ear; a tingle that makes every moment of any season brighter. So if you are missing the feeling or can’t seem to find your Christmas Spirit, then give these ideas a try. And see if your holidays can be that much more merry! And if you are full of the light and already shining in joy…then the biggest gift you can give to the world is to share it with everyone that comes along your path. Love is the only thing that matters in this world. So do what you need to feel the Love within so you and yours can have a very Merry Christmas! After all Santa is going to need it to fly his sleigh!

Finding the Christmas Spirit:

  • Take on an attitude of gratitude. It is a super powerful healer…so make a list of everything you are grateful for everyday and be a witness to how your life will transform.
  • Close your eyes and imagine a moment in time where you felt super happiness and love. Make that moment real again and fill your entire body.
  • Get out of your head! Move, dance, sing, do yoga, go on a walk, workout, run…get your body moving. We get so stiff in our normal routines; we need to break out of those barriers. Move a new way and feel the energy begin to shift within.
  • Help someone else, whether a stranger, family member or friend. When we make a positive loving contribution in someone else’s life something in us realigns and we feel purposeful and that our lives do matter.
  • Give yourself permission to feel, to love and fully accept yourself just the way you are. We all have areas of growth that we are working on. We are all works in progress. Remember, you are lovable! As Louise Hay would say, “it’s as easy as saying, “I love and accept myself.” The more we love ourselves the more we can love others!

Merry Christmas SoWal…see you next year!

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