Lifecycle of Stewardship


By Courtney Lindberg, ArborBrook Advisors

Goals are good.

Plans are better.

Relationships are best.

January has faded and, unfortunately, but statistically accurate, most of our goals and resolutions set not so long ago. There are many books, many gurus, videos, etc. out there discussing how to achieve all your dreams, some of them audaciously selling the idea that you can do this without hard work and in a short amount of time. Ignore them. They are making money by selling you a feeling, not results. You will know a tree by its fruit. If there is no fruit (results) on the tree, don’t expect it to feed you.

Most of our goals tend to fade, because all we have is the destination and we think we great hope, though sometimes blinded by it, that we can get there without a map. If you’re just going across the street, then maybe. But, if the goal is beyond your current field of vision, you’re probably going to need a map, a plan.

And plans are good, especially when broken down into small bits that can be accomplished one-at-a-time at a daily rate, weekly at max. Slow, methodical, incremental progress may be boring, but it works—at least until life happens, or something or someone unexpected happens, for better or worse. Suddenly, you’re off your plan and a day goes by, a week, then it’s January again and you’re starting over.

Which is why relationships are best. We’re really talking about accountability. A trusted friend, advisor, or whomever, is your guardrail, your insurance to keep you moving ahead with a constant, gentle pressure. A good version of this relationship is someone who challenges you, but encourages you. Both should be there, not just one. It’s probably a good idea, too, that you’ve seen this person accomplish something in their own life.
Understand clearly what you sense you’re being called to. Clarity is critical.

From that clarity, set achievable goals that are broken down until the next step is something you could accomplish in a single day.

Act! One task at a time. Do not worry about tomorrow. Today has enough.

Arrive. Thank those who have helped you. Learn. Start over.

All of us have been given things to care for. We believe that all those “things” come from a higher power and thus it is our responsibility to steward well all we have received. We hope you have success in your journey and are here when you’re ready.

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