Let It Go in 2023


By Kay Leaman, Health Architect

Welcome to 2023! Now that our holiday celebrations are over, we’re falling back into the routines of daily life. However, I’d like to challenge you to start something new.

Let’s digress.

The mind is amazing and it will give us exactly what we focus on. A speaker at a conference I attended told us “Stop telling yourself I can’t because it’s not true. What you’re really saying is I won’t.” Ouch!! That definitely created some serious internal truth telling to everyone within earshot.

Take someone who has a gluten allergy (celiac disease). They tell themselves they can’t but in reality they do have the choice to eat gluten or avoid it. They can eat it and experience the consequences or choose something else. This is also true for those with other health issues, and in many other areas of our life. In regards to health, we can eat whatever we want. It’s not about I can’t stop, or I can’t do, or I don’t have – it’s about asking ourselves if we’ll be happy with the consequences of our choices.

Now, back to our topic. Our resolutions are usually filled with goals but how many of us sit down and draw out a plan of how we’re going to accomplish them? How many keep those resolutions in plain site and revisit them on a regular basis? It’s time to start a fire and celebrate as we burn our resolutions. Bring out a new piece of paper and title it “Let It Go.”
What do you want to let go of this year? Think about:

Letting go of resolutions and create a list of possibilities.
Letting go of “I can’t” and start with “I choose.”
Letting go of “I don’t have time” and find the spaces in my 16 hour days.
Letting go of “I hate exercise” and embracing “exercise multiplies my benefits.” It feels really good to let go and even better to take charge.

So, are you ready to let it go and start something new? Here’s to health!

HealthyDay HealthyLife

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