From the City of Destin: Summer Reading Program and More at Library


By Catherine Card

The Destin Library is excited to announce the launch of a brand-new reading app: Beanstack! This free app is your one-stop-shop for tracking your reading, setting goals, and finding book reviews from your fellow library patrons. You will also be able to participate in special library reading challenges throughout the year to earn digital badges and sometimes real-world prizes, too. You can log books, ebooks, audiobooks, podcasts, magazines, and comic books. Patrons can either download the app to their mobile phones and tablets or access the web version at to sign up for this great FREE service. Registration is fast, simple, and completely free!

In addition to self-directed reading goals, patrons will be able to use Beanstack to participate in the 2020 Summer Reading Program, which kicked off June 1st. After downloading the app, parents are encouraged to pre-register their children for our Beanstack Summer Reading Challenges, which begin on June 1. These challenges correspond with our 2020 Summer Reading Program (Imagine Your Story!) and can be used in place of a paper reading log to track children’s reading minutes during the summer.

Further, as part of the Destin Library’s 2020 Imagine Your Story! Summer Reading Program, we are excited to offer access to Virtual Performers and great programs virtually from the library’s web page. Visit and click on the Summer Reading Program link to view these programs that began June 1.

First up on our slate of performers is Jim Gill, a beloved singer and children’s performer from Chicago, Illinois. He has entertained and taught children through music for years. Due to Covid19, Jim Gill is allowing libraries free access to his song videos. To hear him perform “May There Always Be Sunshine” and other children’s songs, visit the Destin Library’s summer reading page from June 1 through July 31.

If you have any questions about Beanstack or any other library service, please contact the library by phone at 850-837-8572 or by email at

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