From the City of Destin


Hurricane season is upon us and the City of Destin takes an active approach in preparing the community for emergency situations like hurricanes and flooding on an annual basis through many communication channels. City staff has updated THE employee emergency recall roster and we are preparing in the event we are in the path of a hurricane. A great way to find out what is happening is to visit the city’s website,, or our Facebook page – City of Destin Government. Residents, businesses and visitors can stay up to date on general city information as well as emergency information. Please keep a lookout for our hurricane guide which is updated annually and provides detailed information for the public regarding what to do before, during and after a storm. I encourage all of you to prepare now and develop your hurricane plan. Hold a family meeting and make a checklist for your emergency preparedness kit to include food and water, medications, a flashlight, batteries, cash, and first aid supplies. Ensure your assets are protected and check your home or business for any vulnerabilities. In the event you must evacuate, determine how you will address your family pet’s needs. A good source of information on how to be prepared is online at Stay safe!
Lance Johnson
Destin City Manager

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