Exercise You Can Use to Prevent Injury While Reeling in the Big One!


Fitness Lisa TurpinBy Lisa Leath Turpin, Health & Fitness Coach/Consultant

You may hook it, but can you pull it in? Do you have what it takes to go the distance with a trophy hulking fish? Fish as massive and merciless, such as those caught in the Destin Fishing Rodeo, have been known to leave anglers with damaged tendons, muscles or even a ruptured disk. Pulling against a load with a reel set at 35 pounds of drag on an 8-foot rod for 10 or 20 minutes+ will give you a starting idea. (That’s just waiting for the bite.)

Fishing is often mistakenly deemed a relaxing endeavor. But, the variety of muscle groups needed to lure in that beauty is not just forearms and wrist. Core muscle strength in the low back, abdomen, upper back, shoulders and arms, especially biceps, are extremely important. Your ankles, calves and legs are used for stability and power. There’s hardly any part of your body not affected when the exciting bite comes to your line. If your muscles are not conditioned for this catch, you may lose it; and it could become just a tale of “the one that got away.” Even worse, you could hurt yourself, and my first guess is it’ll be your low back or shoulders, maybe a torn bicep.

Deep sea or off-shore fishing, casting big, heavy lures and working big jigs, is at the far other edge of the sport. “Large, high-end spinning gear can be relatively heavy, and vigorously casting a 6- or 7-ounce plug up to 300 times in a day can zap even the fittest anglers of energy,” says John Cahill in Sport Fishing magazine. “Long, fast-tapered rods are vital to distance casting, but not terribly effective when fighting fish, acting as a large fulcrum against the angler.

Against heavy drag settings, Cahill says, powerful fish tend to pull the rod down and away, offering the angler poor leverage.” This combination can physically mean massive load and strain of spinal erectors (lower back), hamstrings (back of upper legs), glutes (your butt), latissimus dorsi (large muscular “wings” on your upper back) and all the parts that hang on (hands, arms and shoulders).

You will be in a world of hurt if you are not in good shape or have bad technique for such rigorous fights. However, an angler CAN be prepared to WIN a big fish battle, but that doesn’t happen from just sitting on the couch. Most can achieve aspects of the sport with moderate exercise.

Physical preparation in advance is turn-key to execute successful and safe big-fish-fighting technique. Highly important is any cardio exercise to build physical endurance; looking for sports specific, the rowing machine is top choice to build stamina for the unpredictable struggle. For sure, building strength is the cornerstone for keeping your back and joints protected. Following are the five most important exercises for big deep-water tournament fishing:

Rowing: Although there are several options for rowing, there is actually a “Fisherman’s Row” which is a little hard to explain in words; It’s a 1-arm row, but instead of the traditional one knee on bench and other foot on floor, you have both knees on the bench, kind-of staggered and still supporting upper body with one arm, the other arm picks the dumbbell off the floor and pull/row alongside your ribcage pinching your shoulder blade with some, but very minimal rotation.

Kettle or Dumbbell Sumo Squat with Upright Row: This is just a wide squat holding kettle or dumbbell with both hands (or alternating 1-hand) touch weight to the floor during squat then when you come up bring the weight to chest height with elbows leading higher than your grip.

Hamstrings Deadlifts: Done with dumbbells, kettle or plate-loaded bar, stand straight up holding weight in front of your thighs, reach weight to feet keeping it close to your straight-as-possible legs, then bring it back up to thighs (KEY: Please keep back straight, strong and engaged.)

Core Twists: “Russian Twists” are usually seated and upper body is slightly reclined, holding a ball or just fisting hands together in front of chest, twist fists from one side to the other. Feet can be held off the floor (v-sit) or left on the floor, but wide.

Low Back: Hyper-extensions. Done on floor, physioball, TRX or machine. Start face down and lift upper body backward or off the floor while leaving legs stationary and planted.
Fishing, in general, is also a great way to relax, reduce stress and improve mental focus! Staying in shape will help you bring home the fish instead of the tales! Be Active, Stay Active and Enjoy Life! #beactive850

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