Eggs on the Beach


Bay Breeze Patio will host the fifth annual “Eggs on the Beach” Big Green Egg Grilling Competition, Sept. 29 at Seascape Resort in Miramar Beach. As one of the official Big Green Egg Festivals held around the country, Bay Breeze Patio invites non-profit organizations to register a cook team and registration fees will be waived. As an added incentive, the top three non-profit teams with the most “People’s Choice” votes will receive a financial donation to their charity.

Cook teams participate by creating bite size portions of their favorite recipes to be judged by the public as well as a celebrity judge. Each team of up to six is provided a Big Green Egg to use, lump charcoal, fire starter, table and other supplies. Tasters vote for their favorites, as teams vie for bragging rights and prizes.

This year’s teams can win in several categories including Taster’s Choice, Judge’s Award and Best Booth Display. The grand prize for the most taster votes in the non-profit category is $3,000 toward the charity, followed by $2000 for the second-place non-profit team and $1000 for the third ranking non-profit team. The grand prize for the main event is a large Big Green Egg (valued at $1,110).
All proceeds from Eggs on the Beach benefit The Fisher House of the Emerald Coast and Food for Thought.

In the past four years, Eggs on the Beach has raised nearly $100,000 for local charities.
To own a Big Green Egg, the Demo Eggs used during the event will be sold in advance at a discount.

To register a team ($50 by Sept. 28) or for tickets ($32.50 in advance), visit

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