Discover Your Musicality at Studio 237, School of Music.


Discover Your Musicality at Studio 237, School of Music.

There is a home off North Bay Drive in Point Washington where music is taught and played.

Boy learning how to the play piano
Boy learning how to the play piano

A welcome sign greets each arrival and as the front door swings open, a cheerful yellow room with two comfortable sofas comes into view. Here, students and parents wait for siblings or their own lessons while others are practicing.  Music drifts throughout the home; not just one song, but a veritable symphony of sound. Downstairs, one can hear Mozart’s Minuet in G being played on the piano. In the next room, a sweet voice is belting “Tomorrow” from the musical Annie.  Across the hall, the heartbeat of drums vibrates in time to the Beatles “All you need is Love.” Upstairs a first year violinist is carefully bowing the tune “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.”  From next door comes the recognizable chords of “Sweet Home Alabama” being played enthusiastically on an acoustic guitar. Then, like a cherry on top, one can hear the the happy melody of “What a Day For a Daydream” being strummed on a ukulele.  Teacher’s encouraging voices can be heard in each room giving instruction and guidance as their students learn and improve their skills. 

Come discover your passion for music or sharpen your existing musical ability.  Ray and Lisa are here to guide you from start to finish from instrument rental or purchase, to the all important teacher selection process. The gift of music lasts a lifetime, begin today.

Studio 237 is located at 237 Dawson Rd, Point Washington, FL 32459.

To register for lessons or for more information, visit  Ray and Lisa Cyr can be reached at 850-231-3199.


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