Destin Rotary Recognizes Selfless Citizen with Inaugural Award


The Rotary Club of Destin recently recognized a selfless Destin citizen with a brand-new award: Citizen Above Self, which aligns with Rotary Club’s vision to take action to create lasting change across the globe, in our communities and in ourselves.

Rotary Citizen Above Self AwardLocal J.D. Lohman exemplifies that vision. He has been a city carrier in Miramar Beach and Destin Post Offices since September 2000. His father also worked for USPS as a mail handler. He previously served in the United States Air Force and the Army and has been married to his lovely wife, Dawn, for 45 years this year. They have two adult children—a son residing in Ft. Walton Beach and a daughter residing in Colorado. JD is an avid St. Louis Cardinals baseball fan and a Green Bay Packers football fan. In his spare time, he enjoys working in his yard and taking care of their many cats. He also loves Civil War history.

Nominated by Rotarian Gail Pelto, she says, “JD has been delivering mail in the west Destin area for 20 years. He’s ALWAYS in a great mood, always helpful, never too busy to chat for a moment, and if I leave him something, such as Christmas cookies, he always leaves a thank you card within a few days from he and his wife. When we moved in 16 years ago, J.D. introduced himself, welcomed us and made sure he knew our names. It shows that he cares about serving his customers—truly a Citizen Above Self.”

The Postmaster at the Destin Post office, Crystal Mansolino says, “J.D. truly cares about each and every customer on his route. He reports to work each day with a smile on his face and a willingness to do whatever is needed to get the job done. J.D. has a fantastic attitude, is always willing to help his fellow employees and he gets LOTS of compliments from his customers—always has. He is one of our best, a joy to work with, and I cannot think of a better person to receive this award!”

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