Destin Forward: A Platform for Community Leaders


By Lori Leath Smith, 2019-20 Participant

As an age 50-something member of the Destin community, I suddenly find myself in a new class—Destin Forward. I’ve always felt it important to be continually learning at any age. And, the familiar adage, “you learn something new every day” certainly holds true here. I DID learn many new things from the very first gathering of this diverse group of young, “mature” and up and coming community leaders.

To me, the very essence of the class name touts positive success and growth, especially “Forward” defined generally as “in the direction that one is facing or traveling.” But other definitions, I believe, really sum up the next nine months: “onward so as to make progress; toward a successful conclusion.” -adverb; “relating to or concerned with the future.” -adjective; “help to advance (something); promote.” -verb.

That’s exactly what we’re doing in Destin Forward—becoming more successful by building relationships in the community, becoming more knowledgeable about the people, the area, civic and community organizations, first responders, history and learning, hands-on, how to better advance the business and growth of the Destin community and about the issues facing the community on a day-to-day basis.

Destin ForwardFor example, during the recent kick-off retreat, Destin Chamber CEO Shane Moody explained: In Destin, there’s 13,000 people, as you might already know; but did you know there’s really 20,000 when you include non-incorporated areas such as Kelly Plantation? With the addition of tourists, there’s roughly 80,000 and in peak season, as many as 100,000! So, when considering city issues, you must include these numbers. And do you know the history behind the Hendersons and the Kellys, prominent and familiar names in Destin? We do.

Further, our discussions were built upon a SWOT analysis which provoked us to think about economic and community development, which led to discussions and team building exercises to further explore those areas. Shane encouraged the group to think outside the box and stre-e-e-e-tch. For example, he encouraged us to think of tourism in terms of customers at restaurants, fishing, retail and other places of business; to think about “quality of life” and retaining graduates in our area; and how many situations or decisions cause a chain reaction. And just as each individual is unique, it’s definitely thought-provoking to hear others’ opposing viewpoints and contemplate multiple perspectives.
Probably the most fun aspect was the Destin “commercial” each group had to write, produce and present at the end of the day. Yes, it was videoed! And, if you think that’s easy, it’s not. But, there’s always that one person that keeps everyone laughing…and we built relationships.

By reviewing the agenda, over the next few months we’ll be touring and learning about Destin’s waterways; tourism industry; arts, culture and nonprofits; environment; city programs and services; military bases; and the state legislature. We’ll also be attending several chamber and civic functions, as well as defining and working on a project that creates a lasting and positive impact on the city of Destin.

You might see us around town in our navy, blue Destin Chamber shirts, and if you do, please say hi; we might be coming to you for support, research or help in various areas, too. Each month, I’ll bring you a synopsis of our time together, the relationships we’re building and the things we’re learning from the Destin Chamber, you and others in the community. “There are many class attendees who have been a part of the Destin community for years, perhaps having even grown up in the area,” said Shane. “But, they always learn many things they didn’t know.” As a resident for more than 13 years, I’m excited to find out more… Stay tuned.

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