City of Destin and Gulfarium C.A.R.E Center Partner on Leave No Trace Initiative


To help bring more awareness on the importance of Leave No Trace, the City of Destin and the Gulfarium C.A.R.E. Center partnered on a video that focused on environmental concerns and the impact on marine animals and birds within our area.

The City of Destin launched the Leave No Trace initiative in 2017, to promote environmental awareness and pride in our city. “We love where we live, and we all play a vital role and must be conscious of our actions and how they can impact our environment,” stated Public Information Manager, Catherine Card. Destin Mayor Gary Jarvis and Tabitha Siegfried with the Gulfarium C.A.R.E Center, highlighted how leaving items such as hooks, fishing line and other refuse on our beaches or waterways is detrimental to the health and safety of sea turtles. The C.A.R.E center is a nonprofit organization that acts as a beacon of coastal conservation through marine rehabilitation and rescue, encouraging awareness of public education and opportunities for active participation. “I think Leave No Trace is one of the easiest and most important things that people can do,” says Siegfried. “There has been a lot of trash on our beaches this year. Not only do sea turtles ingest that trash, the hatchlings and the adults do, too.”

“It’s really important that you take pride, not only in our environment, but you also need to realize the environmental impact is vital not only to us as humans, but to the animals and the resources as well,” said Mayor Jarvis. It is our hope that residents and visitors will take individual pride and initiative to dispose of items properly to protect our environment as well as our marine life. To watch the video please visit the city’s Facebook page City of Destin Government as well as YouTube

Many thanks to Get the Coast for collaborating with the City of Destin on the video.

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