Creating Christmas Memories


Creating Christmas Memories

By Rev. Guery H. Clendening

It’s that time of year. Christmas is just around the corner and before we can blink an eye, it will be over. Can I make a suggestion: take advantage of the moment to create special memories that will last a lifetime!

When my Wife Linda and I lived in Macon, Georgia, during Christmas we would make an annual shopping trip to Atlanta. We would take the children out of school and hit the road early. Because I was born and raised in Atlanta, I knew my way around town. We would shop from mall to mall, hunting for the best bargains. Lunch was always a special family time and a welcome break for my weary feet. But then it was on to the next group of stores.

Personally, I am not much of a shopper but, like many, my wife loved it! So, this was the big day for me to keep quiet, not complain or be impatient; while we went from rack to rack, counter to counter, trying on clothes, looking for the right gifts and toys. If you are near my age, you probably remember when Cabbage Patch Dolls hit the market. I’ll never forget Linda, standing in the midst of a crowd of determined shoppers, waiting for the clerks to open another shipment of dolls! It was a sight to behold, watching a mass of humanity make their move to secure one of their prizes.

Our shopping wasn’t over until the last store closed around 11 o’clock. But, the best was yet to come! You see, part of the agreement to take the family shopping was for the girls to agree to eat at The Varsity with me. Linda called it “greasy memories”. I loved it; two Chili Dogs, fried onion rings and a large frosty Orange Freeze. “That was icing” on top of the cake, that made it all worth it!

After the Varsity experience, we would drive downtown to Rich’s Department Store and make our way to the top of a large breezeway between Rich’s two buildings. From there, we would view a huge Christmas tree. That was our tradition for years. We would then drive home to Macon, tired but joyful; because we had spent a beautiful day together. Fighting traffic, yes. Traipsing from store to store, yes; but nonetheless, together. I am thankful for the memory. So thankful God gave me my family and oh how I cherish those special times together!

Times have changed. My children are grown now, and my beloved wife is in Heaven; but the memories created will never be forgotten. So, as we approach Christmas, may I suggest that in this busy time of the year, that we do certain things intentionally. Don’t let the Christmas rush steal from you precious moments that will last forever.

When Jesus was born, most people of the day missed His arrival. He was born in a stable, because there was no room for His family in the Inn. (Luke 2-7). But the angels didn’t miss His coming. Thousands appeared in the clouds to announce to the shepherds: “for unto us is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. (Luke 2-11). It’s His birthday we are celebrating. Don’t miss the moment, and what He, as the Savior, can mean in your life. Merry Christmas and Happy Memory making!

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