Charity Golf Tournament, “Let the Green Be Seen” to benefit Walton county Sheriff’s Department


Charity Golf Tournament, “Let the Green Be Seen” to benefit Walton county Sheriff’s Department

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The Walton County Chamber of Commerce announces the 1st Annual “Let the Green be Seen” Charity Golf Tournament at Burnt Pine Golf Club in Sandestin on Thursday, September 22, 2016. Registration will open at 1pm, the shotgun tournament will begin at 2pm with a silent auction and reception to follow at 6pm.

This effort is to raise monies for the men and women of the Walton County Sheriff’s Office that serve the community so consistently. South Walton  relies on this group of  professionals during the most critical times. Please join the Walton County Chamber of Commerce in giving back to this fine group. The Chamber welcomes your prepaid $1,000 donation per foursome as well as any silent auction items towards the cause. Checks can be made payable to “Let the Green be Seen” and the Chamber will be happy to recognize your tax deductible donation.

“Let the Green Be Seen” Charities and Employee Fund 501 (c)(3) was founded in 2015 by the employees of the Walton County Sheriff’s Office as an avenue to partner with and build working relationships in the community. As a result of these efforts “Let the Green Be Seen” raises money to directly support community efforts and is a WCSO employee assistance program which offers free, confidential services designed to help members of the Walton County Sheriff’s Office prevent or resolve personal, family, financial, and workplace issues affecting that employee’s well-being.

Join the Chamber of Commerce on September 22 at 1pm in support of the Walton County Sheriff’s Office.  For more information please visit

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