
Sinfonia Gulf Coast Celebrates the Classics During its 2017-18 Season The first in the Classical Connections series features cellist Sang-Eun Lee onThursday, Nov. 9, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church in Destin. Hailed for her expressive artistry and dazzling technique, Ms. Lee will perform Tchaikovsky's stunning "Variations on a...
“Let the  Groove Ride” – Boukou Groove by Josette Rhodes “Let the Groove Ride” is one of those CD’s that you...

Studio 237

Playing Dance Music with Cool Tempo-ratures By Raymond Cyr The purpose of music is to make you happy, dance, and sing, and to unite...
  Ms. Heather LaveauxBy Josette Rhodes Described...


CD REVIEW: “Ladders and edges”...

Finding Time for MUSIC

Every morning across America and around the world, people wake up to their favorite sounds of music. The sounds may come...
We can only imagine when Music was first introduced to the world and was it anything less than a love song?...

30 A

Two bands. Seven musicians. One incredible Labor Day weekend celebration! From-left-to-right–Dan-Hall,-Roberto-Padron,-Chad-Thurman,-Scott-Rockwood,-Shawn-HartungOn Friday, September 1st, local musical groups, The ScratchTones and The Bankwalkers...
  By Jasmine Carroll The Good Lookings”,...

Beach Hits Radio

Hutto Media is proud to announce the return of “Beach Hits Radio” to the streaming internet with a new, permanent broadcast...