By Rita L. Sherwood
This Birmingham girl who’s now a local knows how to spot a good deal on clothes when she sees one. Inspired by her mother who has an amazing fashion sense, but also likes a good bargain, Michelle Moore grew up interested in putting different outfits together,...
By Maurice Stouse, Branch Manager and Financial Advisor
Some investors, for the first time in several years, are beginning to take note of precious metals, silver in particular. The reasons are many, but most notable are the world economic climate and the price of silver to gold. Silver bullion, coins,...
By Gail Pelto
In last month’s article we talked about why real estate is a great investment: the A.C.E.S – Appreciation, Cash flow, Equity, Shelter your taxes and the Plus…Leverage. (Please see August ‘19 Destin Life.)
Now, if you are thinking, “Real estate is a great investment,” let’s talk about some...
By Lauren Gall
Insurance Zone (IZ), headquartered in Miramar Beach, is a full service commercial and personal lines independent insurance agency. IZ specializes in designing insurance programs for coastal exposures along 30A and 98, Destin, Miramar Beach, Inlet Beach, Panama City Beach, Pensacola, Tampa and Atlanta.
Led by co-owners and co-founders,...
By Ashley Vannoy
Keeping a close watch on permits and the economic development efforts of a literal army of professionals we have across the panhandle, it is easy to identify prospective businesses both large and small that are coming to our area. An actual feasibility study is being performed by...
By Rita L. Sherwood
What’s an interesting fun fact about Destin’s own Randy Lemon? His house is virtually a zoo, he jokes. “Yes, it’s true, we have 2 snakes, a hedgehog, a parrot, 2 guinea pigs, and we just lost our beloved bearded dragon. We often joke we should make...
By Matthew Vanderford
I love the comedy skit “Who’s on First” by Abbott & Costello. I remember the first time I heard it – I was a young kid who loved baseball and loved to laugh. When I heard the routine, I thought it was genius!! So, what does this...
By Maurice Stouse
Financial Advisor and Branch Manager
Now that we have crossed mid-year, it’s a good time to not only assess things about our “giving,’ but also to start the year-end planning process as well. The United States (and its citizens) are among the most charitable, giving nations in the...
By Daniel Jones, Norton Insurance
It's no secret our economy relies heavily on the hospitality industry, but there are plenty of secrets Property Managers (PMs for short) keep to themselves. It's for your own good; you really don’t want to know every time they have to clean suntan lotion out...
Something exciting, and new, is making a splash on the Emerald Coast.
The ReefBoard provides families a unique view of the various sea life in our clear gulf waters. Comparable to snorkeling, only without the hassle of breathing through a tube, swimming fatigue or leaking masks, the ReefBoard is solidly...