By Maurice Stouse, Branch Manager and Financial Advisor
When it comes to taxes and investing there are three ways that an investor might benefit: Tax deferral, tax deductible and tax-free investing. This article addresses tax free investing with focus on the Roth IRA in particular.
First a recap of the other...
By Dave Saviola, Money Pastor
“Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not...
Environmental Cleaning for the Win
Destin Environmental Cleaning is the Emerald Coast’s first team of environmental cleaning experts. It started when two young men realized that the current sanitation procedures for businesses were not doing much more than a light cleaning. Logan Wayman and Caleb Pratt took their discovery and...
By Rita L. Sherwood
Community Management Associates (CMA) is an association management firm that offers customized management services to the different associations they serve. Each community is different and has differing needs. CMA provides services for HOA’s of all sizes and condominium developments as well as mixed use properties which...
Leadership Okaloosa is an esteemed leadership training and development program with a 30-year history of being a vital part of Okaloosa County’s growth and development of its leaders. This nine-month experience is designed to enhance the participant’s leadership skills and provide community awareness. Hosted from September to May, participants...
By Victoria Ostrosky
Janet and Sam had just enough time to hurriedly, with shaking hands, grab some framed photos, their laptops and changes of clothes. The police officer urged them to move quickly. With their adrenaline pumping like they had just run a sprint, they drove out of their subdivision,...
By Maurice Stouse, Branch Manager and Financial Advisor
These days many investors are in search of income. With interest rates nearing record lows, a recent sell off in the stock market, job losses, early retirements, reduced or eliminated dividends, and income security has become even more important to many Americans....
By Greg D. Crosslin
The Internet is a wonderful tool. There are many easily accessible forms and guidelines offered by a number of document service providers on the Internet. These companies provide a “do it yourself” approach to creating your own Estate Plan. While “fill-in-the-blank” Wills and Trusts can be...
By Chris Balzar, ECES
If you are like most people, when your electric bill arrives every month, you place it in the “to pay” folder and open it later. When we do get around to opening the electric bill, we look at the amount owed; some sigh, some grunt, some...
By Matthew Vanderford
Usually this column is meant to discuss insurance-related themes and the occasional life topic that comes to mind. But this time I wanted to send a different message as this area has been exposed yet again to another set of disasters. First, Hurricane Michael came to devastate...