Blessed by Mom


To celebrate this Mother’s Day, Destin Life asked, “What blesses (or blessed) you about your mom?”

Here’s a photo of us in Mexico a few years ago. She won that trip as a top producer for her company. My Mom has truly taught me to “work hard and play hard.”  She’s still working today at the age of 71. Not because she has to. But because she wants to continue to play hard. Happy Mother’s Day Mom. I hope I can teach my kids what you’ve taught me.
– Jared O’Neal, Financial Advisor Raymond James & Associates

The greatest thing my Mother, Betty Lee, ever did for me was to teach me about God and take me to church. That provided the most important foundation in my life. She taught me to be of good character and the importance of having morals and values. She taught me about sacrifice and selflessness. I cherish the fact that we are also now best friends and I am truly blessed to have her in my life.
– Patricia Lee, Destinites

My Mother blesses me in many ways. She is extremely kind, caring, and is always there for me. I am incredibly grateful to have her as my Mother!
– Melanie Gray, Beachworx

I remember thinking it would be many years before I had to say goodbye, but it came so fast. Quoting Paul ‘Bear’ Bryant, “Call your mama. I wish I could.”
-Ricky Harper, C12

My mom, Claudette Canuel, has blessed me with a tenacity balanced with empathy which brought my family to live in this paradise!
– Greg Durette, Florida Health Connector



My mom has been the spiritual rock of our family. She is a prayer warrior, praying for me, my sisters and our kids every single day! Her favorite prayer is to name us one by one and pray for ministering angels to surround us everywhere we go!!
-Gina Weidie, Powur


My mom taught me to be honest and be tough! She was an amazing businesswoman who focused a lot of energy on her little project.
-Mary Anne Windes, Real Estate Professionals



My mother, Lois Dokey, has not only been a blessing, but an inspiration. Despite insurmountable odds, she not only beat cancer once, but twice. She is a remarkable example of what it means to be a “fighter” and not give up. Pictured is my mom on her 80th birthday with me and two daughters, Elizabeth (left) and Jenna (right).
-Catherine Card, City of Destin

My mom blessed me with Strength and Laughter. She was a fearless, single mom who encouraged me to have a good time, as long as it didn’t hurt anybody, and to go after my dreams. Thank you, Verna Pelto.
-Gail Pelto, Realtor, Keller Williams Realty Emerald Coast

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