BizTech is Back! 2nd Destin Business Technology Summit Feb. 16


Join the Destin Chamber on Tuesday, Feb. 16, for a daylong conference and expo, the 2nd Destin Business Technology Summit, connecting Destin area small business owners and employees with the technology-related information and companies they need to improve their business operations, find new customers, and protect their electronic assets.

Thanks to BizTech sponsor and Destin Chamber Trustee member Five Channels, this year’s keynote speaker is Michael Levin, the current CEO and Founder of the Center for Information Security Awareness (CFISA), a former Secret Service Agent, and the former Deputy Director of the National Cyber Security Division of the Department of Homeland Security.

Topics include Cybersecurity, Leveraging Technology in Remote Work Setting, Home Network Security, Google My Business, Vendor Management, Post-COVID Payment Solutions, and more. The full agenda is available below. More social media marketing sessions will be added soon.

To register, visit Registration is open, and seating is limited to ensure proper physical distancing! Early bird rate is $50 for Destin Chamber members and $65 for non-members, if you register prior to Feb. 5. After Feb. 5, the cost is $60 for Destin Chamber members and $75 for non-members.

Want to stay onsite for the conference? Visit, search for The Palms of Destin Resort, and use BIZ15 when booking your stay for a 15% discount.

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