All County Band Concert Series


    Superintendent of Schools Russell Hughes and the Walton County School District music departments presented their very first All-County Honor Band Concert on January 25th at Freeport High School. These concerts are the first of what is hoped will be a tradition of celebrating the wonderful music programs of the Walton County School District. The first annual Elementary and Secondary All-County Honor Chorus Concert followed on February 3rd, also at Freeport High School. “An Epic Wow! Are the only words to describe the entire series” said Superintendent Hughes. “Our students, teachers, guest clinicians and district support staff exceeded what one could have imagined for this event. There is No doubt we have some of the most gifted students and teachers in the state of Florida, utilizing their gifts and talents right here in Walton County, specifically the Walton County School District”, Hughes said.

    Roy King was guest conductor for the High School Honor Band. Mr. King is currently the Director of Bands at Tate High School. Before coming to Tate High School, he served as Director of Athletic Bands at Louisiana State University. During his 18-year tenure at LSU, Mr. King served as the director of the award winning LSU Tiger Marching Band.

    Ann Sights Leffard was guest conductor for this year’s Middle School Honor Band. Ms. Leffard is currently the band director at Meigs Middle School in Shalimar, Florida. She earned her masters degree in Flute Performance at the Florida State University and a BSED in Instrumental Music and Performer’s Certificate from the University of Missouri-Columbia. She studied flute with Charles Delaney, Alexander Murray and Steven Geibel, and has performed in master classes for Jean-Pierre Rampal and Jacob Berg.

    “We are very excited about the direction our music programs are heading, and look forward to this incredible musical opportunity for our students”, Mr. Hughes said. Adding, “Look out world of Arts……….Walton County is infiltrating this space in a very passionate way.”

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