Active Compassion for the Homeless


By Doug Stauffer

Imagine a world where every night brings the uncertainty of finding a safe place to sleep, where danger can be right around any corner, and feelings of fear, demoralization and alienation are constant companions. This isn’t a hypothetical scenario for many; it’s the everyday reality for those living without the basic security of a home. Addressing this need doesn’t always require grand gestures; sometimes, the smallest acts of kindness can make the biggest difference.

One Hopeful Place Homeless ManAt the forefront of this compassionate response is One Hopeful Place, a beacon of hope in Okaloosa County dedicated to breaking the cycle of homelessness for people living in our communities. My journey in understanding this crisis began three decades ago, as the President of a city rescue mission. A heart-rending moment happened when a homeless couple, struggling with addiction and caring for two small children, stayed at our shelter.

Months after they left, they contacted my wife and me with a life-changing request: would we adopt their young son and daughter? They were aware of our loss and wished for their children to have the stability they couldn’t provide. This poignant episode not only highlighted the multifaceted challenges faced by the homeless, but also the critical need for community support and intervention. We said “yes.”

The Growing Need

In today’s world, the challenges faced by the homeless have intensified, with fewer resources and increasing societal apathy. In this bleak landscape, One Hopeful Place emerges as a sanctuary, providing critical services such as a day program, cold night shelter, health screenings and transportation for medical needs. These services, as simple as a hot meal or a safe place to sleep, are often lifesaving, offering a glimmer of hope in the lives of many.

The Day Program: A Lifeline

The Day Program at One Hopeful Place transcends the definition of service; it is, indeed, a lifeline. For those on the streets, basic necessities like nutritious food, clean water and access to hygiene and laundry facilities are luxuries. Here, the program bridges this gap, often marking the thin line between survival and despair. The stories of those who have found solace and support here are a testament to its impact.

How Can YOU Help?

Your support can create a significant ripple effect on the lives of the homeless. Donations to One Hopeful Place do more than provide shelter and meals; they instill hope and open doors to new beginnings. As a 501(C)(3) organization, One Hopeful Place relies entirely on grants, donations, and community support. Even a small monthly pledge can significantly impact, helping to keep the lights on and doors open. Every church could budget funds to contribute their part. Reflecting on our Christian duty, as outlined in Matthew 25:35-40, we are reminded that serving the needy is akin to serving Christ Himself.

This scripture is not just a call to action; it’s a moral imperative, urging us, especially religious and community leaders, to heed the words of Jesus and actively engage in caring for the hungry and homeless. Jesus concluded with these words: “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matthew 25:40). Jesus was directly referring to our responsibility to care for the hungry and the homeless! No one, especially religious and community leaders, should turn a blind eye to such an appeal from the Son of God Himself.

Our Mission and Goals

One Hopeful Place’s mission is to provide shelter and support for single men, women, with priority given the veterans experiencing homelessness. Our goal is not just to offer a handout but a hand-up, helping individuals rebuild their lives. The shelter, which opened in 2016, has expanded to accommodate more individuals, including a separate shelter for homeless women.

The Community’s Role

Community engagement is crucial. The story of One Hopeful Place is one of collective effort and shared responsibility. It began with community leaders recognizing a need and taking decisive action. Today, it continues to grow with the support of local businesses, nonprofits, churches, and volunteers.

Making a Difference

Small acts by individuals can transform many lives. Whether it’s volunteering, donating supplies, or simply spreading awareness, every contribution counts. One Hopeful Place exemplifies how community-driven initiatives can create significant change, providing a haven for those in need.


Reflecting on my experience from three decades ago, the plight of the homeless remains a pressing issue. However, with organizations like One Hopeful Place and the collective effort of our community, there is hope. Together, we can make a difference, offering not just shelter, but dignity, support, and a path to a better future. Let us unite in this call to action with active compassion for the homeless.

Check out the website: or call 850-586-7879. Please help as the need is real and the time is now.

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