A Superior’s Veterans & First Responders Appreciation Lunch


By Marta Rose Thorpe

A Superior will once again host its quarterly Veterans & First Responders Appreciation Lunch on Tuesday, April 12, at Faith Assembly Christian Church, 306 S. Geronimo Street in Miramar Beach from 11:30 a.m to 1 p.m. All area Veterans and First Responders are invited, as well as the local community who want to welcome and support this group. A Superior will again give away an HVAC system to one Veteran or First Responder in need.
At the January 11th lunch, a U.S. Marine won the Q1 HVAC Unit Giveaway. Travis Stephens, who served his country for 18 years, was separating from service in January for medical retirement. At that time, he was on a 60-day terminal leave with no job in sight. Travis lives in Crestview with his wife of seven years and two young children, ages 3 and 4. In December, the family’s 20-year-old HVAC unit had stopped working and the parts to fix it could not be located. The family had placed some window units in the children’s bedrooms as all they could afford at the time. Needless to say, the gift of the HVAC system went to a very deserving man for his family.

“The bigger picture of all of this, and why we started this appreciation lunch in the first place,” explains owner Jimy Thorpe, “is simply to be an example, and show other companies that they, too, can give back. We saw that the way we could give back is by donating what we have – HVAC units. Others can use our event as a template to create their own program to give back.” Veterans and First Responders may apply for the April 12th giveaway online at ASuperiorAC.com.

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