By Pastor Dave Holland
“Jesus called out with a loud voice, ‘Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.’ When he had said this, he breathed his last. The centurion, seeing what had happened, praised God and said, ‘Surely this was a righteous man.’” Luke 23: 46-47
Jeff was a regular guy. He always sat quietly in church. I remember his wife and daughter sitting beside him, smiling for no apparent reason. They came regularly to worship and slipped away quickly afterward. One Sunday, Jeff stayed after church and asked to speak with me. He was retiring from the Navy, and they were holding a brief ceremony for him on base. Jeff asked if I would come and say a prayer during the proceeding. He gave me the time and date, saying little else.
On the appointed day we drove together to the Groton Connecticut Naval Yard, affectionately called “The Submarine Capital of the World.” We arrived at the base where I expected to go into an office with a few of Jeff’s friends and family. Instead, the Commander escorted Jeff and me directly to the stage of a large auditorium filled with hundreds of sailors whooping and hollering.
The Commander quieted the crowd and began commending Jeff at length for his integrity and character, shining through many stressful situations. Eventually, they asked me to pray. The moment I said “Amen,” the crowd stomped, clapped, and cried out, “Chief!”
For more than 20 years, Jeff assigned work tasks, handed out discipline, and gave commands. He did so based not only on rank, but also by his commitment to the men and women that served under him. Officers serve on a different level. As chief-petty officer, Jeff functioned as the leader among the enlisted sailors.
The centurion in our passage today served in the Roman Army and was esteemed in the same way throughout the Roman Empire
We have now seen how Luke was writing to the people of the Greco-Roman world, people outside of the faith and Jewish traditions. Centurions were roughly equivalent to a Master Seargeant or Chief Petty Officer in today’s military. They led rank-and-file soldiers in both their daily tasks and in battle. Revered by those under their command, respected by their senior officers, these “Jeffs” were the backbone of the Roman Army, the greatest fighting force in the ancient world.
Our centurion’s task was carrying out the harshest punishments daily. He knew criminals. He witnessed the death of scoundrels, rebels and murderers often. And he knew Jesus wasn’t one of them. Darkness, earthquakes and heavenly voices rarely attended his executions. His summary of the event, “Surely this was a righteous man,” stood in stark contrast to the crowd’s cry to “Crucify Him!”
Christ endured the worst humanity could heap upon him, yet he evoked a righteous commendation from a hardened soldier. The Centurion recognized Christ’s righteousness; do we? Only a righteous man could atone for our unholiness. Will we put our faith in the purity of Christ’s sacrifice?
It was the morning of Good Friday several years ago when I sat in the church sanctuary quietly praying. In my heart, I saw Christ hanging on a cruel, rugged cross, dying—for me. I began to weep. Uncontrollably. Snotty, slobbering, sorrowful weeping. Yes, I know He died for the sins of the world, but that day I realized He died for me. Surely, He was a righteous man.
Dave Holland pastored churches for 38 years before retiring in Destin. This devotional is from his book, “Extraordinary Jesus.” You can get a copy of his books from his website,, or at Pastor Dave is available to preach and teach at churches and conferences. Contact him at
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