The Artists Warehouse Announces Special Holiday Events


Artists Warehouse Director Krista Vind is pleased to announce 3 special events this Holiday Season. The First Friday Artwalk will be held on Friday December 8, from 5pm till 9pm. In addition, two Holiday open house events will be held Saturday, December 9th and the 16th, from 11am till 5pm, with many featured artists  in attendance.

There will be many wonderful hand crafted gifts for the home, custom granite cheese boards, hand made ornaments, as well as Christmas themed art pieces and DIY paints and tools for the creative budding artists in your life. As always, there are a wide variety of original art to beautify your home for the holidays and year round. Don’t see exactly what you’re looking for? No problem! The Artists Warehouse specializes in custom commission work.

As a working studio/gallery, there are hundreds of samples of custom wall faux finishes, furniture and cabinet finish samples on display as well as a complete line of faux finish products available for purchase. And there will be plenty of Holiday cheer, cider & snacks to make your visit festive and enjoyable.

The Artists Warehouse is located at 416 So. Hwy 393, Unit 5.4 in Santa Rosa Beach, Call  (850) 598-3289 or visit for more information.

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