1st Annual Truck Pull slated for November 4th


Save the date! Who’s ready to pull a fire truck for charity? If you think you have what it takes, gather up your friends, family and co-workers and sign up for the 1st Annual 30-A Fire Truck Pull presented by 30-A Chiropractic, held at Gulf Place on November 4th at 4 PM. Proceeds of the event go to The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis.

Dr. Scott Thurston of 30-A Chiroporactic created this fire truck pull after being inspired by one of his patients, Brian Schiefer. Schiefer is a retired Air Force Staff Sgt who suffered a spinal injury and paralysis in 2008 during deployment when his Hhumvee flipped over. Schiefer came to see Dr. Thurston for an adjustment, and they became fast friends.

Dr. Thurston, having participated in fire truck pulls before, wanted to start one here to raise money and awareness. “Brian inspired me. I’m a chiropractor. He’s a veteran. I come from a rich family of veterans. Everyone has charities out here, but very few of them are related to veterans. I didn’t want it to just go toward veterans, but wanted specifically something that was part of what I do. Spinal cord research made the most sense.  This is why we chose The Miami Project”.

Through his business, Dr. Thurston works with members of the South Walton Fire District. He knows that most firehouses have their own charities. He presented them with the idea for the fire truck pull, but asked to be left  in charge of the charity. “I wanted mine to benefit  spinal cord research- I’d like to see my friend Brian walk again.”

The Miami Project is a research and development center that uses investigative research to target spinal cord and brain injuries.  It was founded in 1985 with Dr. Barth A Green and NFL Hall of Fame linebacker Nick Bouniconti. The program is located at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.  Since the beginning, this program has helped develop and advance treatment in spinal cord injuries.

Teams for the fire truck pull are made up of 10 people. Teams will compete in the categories of Men, Women, Co-Ed and Fire Fighters. Co-ed teams can have no more than five male members. Participants must be 18 years old to enter. Teams will pull the fire truck 20 feet, and the team with the fastest pull time will be the winner.

There are still sponsorship spaces available for businesses. A premium level sponsorship gets you a 10×10 tent space, your business name on the banner, t-shirt and Facebook Ppage and a team entry. Business level sponsorship gets your business name on a t-shirt and Facebook page, and a team entry. If you just want to raise money and pull, it’s $10 per person per team.


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