Yellow Fly Black Balls Available at Mosquito Control Office


It’s that time of year again, the season of Yellow flies, Mosquitos and other pests seeking to ruin an otherwise lovely day. Once again, the South Walton Mosquito Control District(SWMCD) is offering a free Yellow Fly Black Ball to all South Walton residents that stop by the SWMCD office, at 773 County Hwy 393 North in Santa Rosa Beach. Some form of proof of residency (Phone bill or utility bill) is requested. “The Black Ball is our most effective tool we use to control the Yellow Fly,” says SWMCD Commissioner John Magee, who serves on the commission along with Tim Norris and this year’s Board Chairman Ronnie Faulk. “SWMCD is restricted in eliminating the Yellow Fly through traditional spraying due to the fact yellow flies do not convey diseases.

Over the years we found that the characteristics of the yellow fly is that they are attracted to shiny black objects. After years of experimenting we found that the black beach balls that we provide to the public  along with a sticky glue makes the best environmentally friendly glue trap. The more public participation and use of the Black Ball, the more effective we will be.” Magee explains that by capturing the yellow fly on the glue trap, you are depleting the life cycle for future yellow flies. “The yellow fly adult females are the fierce biter and can deliver a bite that is painful and causes itchiness and swelling around the bite. Like mosquitoes, the female consumes blood while the males do not bite and are mainly pollen and nectar feeders. Females are most actively biting during the late afternoon before twilight and on cloudy days. Yellow flies are strong flyers and females may travel long distances in search of blood meals. Generally, yellow flies stay around the larval breeding site where they were born”.

SWMCD office hours of operations are: Monday through Friday 7:30 am – 3:30 pm, May 30th-June 23rd. Extended hours May 30th-June 9th, Monday through Friday 7:30 am – 4:30 pm. Limit of one Black Ball per household or business.

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