The Sheriff’s Corner


From the desk of Sheriff Michael Adkinson, Jr.

The Office of the Sheriff is the oldest office of government still in existence.

It’s history goes back more than 1,000 years. In America, there have been sheriffs since our country’s inception. Thomas Jefferson surmised that there was no one office more important to the protection of the American principle as that of the sheriff. Those are powerful words from one of our founding fathers.

It has been an honor serving as Walton County’s Sheriff.  I understand I am a steward of both a long tradition and responsibility. One question I am often asked is; what is the difference between a police department and a sheriff’s office? It’s a great question and one that speaks to the heart of the American idea of public service.

In its most basic sense the sheriff’s office is a direct representative of the people of the county. The sheriff (along with clerk of the court, tax collector, property appraiser, and supervisor of elections) is a constitutional officer. Essentially it means the duty and responsibilities of the office are specifically outlined by the constitution of the state. In contrast, the position of a chief of police is an employee of the municipality in which they work. Typically, a chief of police works for a city manager or assistant city manager who then reports to a city council. Any or all those seven to 10 people may have some level of control or influence over the chief.

The sheriff works directly for the citizens of the county. Uniquely, the sheriff is the only level of law enforcement where the citizen has a direct say by the power of the vote to change the way law enforcement is conducted.

In addition, there are unique job duties sheriff deputies carry out that police officers do not. Some include being the chief executive officer of the court, chief jailer, and having responsibility of large domestic animals. The sheriff is even the ex-officio timber agent of the county! And yes, we have the power to raise a posse or call people to arms to quell a state of disruption like you used to see in old westerns.

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