The Lotus Life: To the Other Side of the Rainbow We Go!


By Lauren Catanese

I have found that most answers to our troubles can be found in nature. Nature’s storms are like our struggles. They are the storms we experience. Struggling is a part of life. It’s when we struggle that we learn the most about life, ourselves, and those around us. In areas where we become complacent, struggles shine the light into where we are wounded and where we still need to grow. Hence the “struggle.” We are struggling because we do not know yet, how to get through or how to deal with whatever is causing our discomfort. No one gets through life without experiencing struggles! Knowing that we all struggle, doesn’t necessarily make it any easier when we are faced with them. So, what does help us get through struggles? Accepting our feelings, writing a gratitude list, honoring the teachings, making changes for the highest good, reaching out for support; these are all great tools that can benefit us. They will create shifts so we can make the changes that we need to make.

But it’s not just about working on the pain. We also need to reach towards the other side; trusting and believing that there is a beautiful, miraculous sun shining just for us. There is joy after the rain. To speak to ourselves not from where we are, or where we have been, but to speak to where we are going. To speak to the higher version of ourselves. To have an understanding that this too shall pass, and we will not be the same person after we have survived our struggles. I love the quote, “even flowers have to go through a lot of dirt to bloom.” Our struggles are not our failures. They are what makes us stand taller, giving us wisdom. Struggles are necessary to get us to where we want to go.

As we conquer through them with triumph, confidence, valor and strength, we begin to feel the peace that’s on the other side. The sun shining through the clouds. And what better way to celebrate the victory than to show off with a miraculous, colorful, one of a kind, rainbow. One of the magical encounters of life. The rainbow is revealed when a storm transitions back to sunny skies, no? The rainbow is the reminder of the love that is created as we heal. Every rainbow you see is a miracle being brought to your eyes, a visual representation of what hope and faith can bring you. A rainbow is God’s way of showing that there is beauty in transformation and healing. So get through that storm. See that rainbow. Feel the sunlight on your face. What more could God do to show us, that like us, nature too has its struggles. That it’s a “life” event, but we can get through them, together.

So with each storm that passes, keep talking and reaching for that sun. Let the rainbow’s colors light your path. You will get through this. You can do hard things. You will feel the sunshine warming your face and your heart with love once again. It’s always there just waiting for you on the other side of the rainbow.

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